that is absolutely the most bizarre and glorious thing i have ever seen in my life. im totally making a copy of that so i can have it made into a poster MWAHAHA!!🤣
That's how it is... Krasnov LOVES it that way, he always has. In case you ever wondered, that's why he's been wearing diapers for the last 35 years... they wore out his... oh, never mind YOU know
This is carnival. In some parts of Germany, that means, political floats. This one is not out of the ordinary. If you google "carnival floats Trump / Putin" there's more 😅
I was in Heidelberg during Trump 1.0 at a pub with colleagues, and there was picture on the wall of a nude Trump and Kim Jong Un with Trump in an uncompromising position. I cannot post that picture here due to its lascivity, but its a doosey.
Republicans, don’t cower to the traitor Trump. History will judge you not just by what you do, but by what you fail to stand up to. Honor your love and respect for this country—speak out.
Once Trump does what putin wants. Putin will no longer need Trump. Their egos can't handle it. Putin will probably survive since he has more experience at murdering opponents out of windows or planes.
There’s something ironic in that this is the kind of stuff you see in a German parade these days, while a typical American March today might feature actual fascists and supremacists.
You can tell this isn't a real depiction because orange Hitler doesn't like he is enjoying it. If it were a real depiction he would be enjoying it bigly.
Good morning, I am 10th generation Canadian, a proud and free person and decided rather than chastising the 36% Americans who didn’t vote, we all need to love, support and inspire them!
Hope you all agree, love over hate will always win!🙏🏻🇨🇦🕊️🇺🇸
Aaaaand Much savvier to Americans' reality than magaRgop can admit. Seeing other nations' view of trumpamerica is important; thanks for posting this gut-wrenching truth.
We are once again the world’s laughingstock because of Trump. I hate that he acts like all of us in the U.S. agree with him. I hope our international neighbors know it’s all him.
Unfortunately true. How can the world see America favourably when it imposes tariffs on its closest neighbours and allies, threatens to take their territory by force if needed. Undermines security worldwide, betrays Ukraine, threatens NATO. Not the work of a trustworthy nation.
Oh yea, it’s the
If you want to know how Europeans feel listen to Claude Malhuret, He is the leader of the independents in France. This is how they see the US now.
That's the full translation.
Worth a listen
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I'm Eastern european. From country controller by ZSRR / USSR.
Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, Johnson, Reagan and Bush the elder are rotating in their graves.
Why Bush, Obama and Biden doesn’t do a joint statement, or even better, actions is beyond me.
Hope you all agree, love over hate will always win!🙏🏻🇨🇦🕊️🇺🇸
It’s who you are.
Aaaaand Much savvier to Americans' reality than magaRgop can admit. Seeing other nations' view of trumpamerica is important; thanks for posting this gut-wrenching truth.
Sad, sad time for good, hardworking Americans.