Don’t forget, he has cut off intel to Ukraine. Since then Russia has been, in trump’s own words, “bombing the hell out of them.” trump is responsible for every life lost and every person injured in Ukraine from now on. He is responsible for genocide there and Gaza.
We don’t know how many have died from the lack of finances for USAID, etc, so it is not only American Citizens that have/are/will died/dying/die but also others around the globe.
Plus we can also
count all the pandemic deaths including all those influenced because of his disregard for masking.
Historical speaking it's the most effective way to drive out massive armies of opressors or invaders who is there to commit genocideðnic cleansing with only a small fraction of the population. 3.5% or more. The only way to stop settler colonial genocidal empires.
The only way anything will ever get any better. Is through revolution. Adapt the methods of the 1917 Russian people's revolution. Class war over country patriotism& nationalism. Refuse to fight in any of US imperialist wars. For the same reasons people refused with ww1.
In at least one successful socialist country, anyone in politics does not get paid for it. Let alone allow politicians to take money from any lobbies. We need that in the US after the people's revolution Claudia de la cruz and karina Garcia have support of #BLM
I would agree because while he might not pull the trigger he is loading the gun and setting up the targets.
Shame on all those who continue to enable this Don-boy. He is responsible. He should be tried in a court of law. He shouldn’t be allowed to squirm out of a meaningful sentence. A nice long 1
He wasn't during Covid. They seem to forget the body bags and his disinformation agenda. Now they blame Fauci, instead of Trump, who was only worried about his ratings. Instead the ignorant (supposedly) voted him back in. But Elon knows those voting machine computers.
I’m with you on that. I hope he gets what’s coming to him. He has no empathy whatsoever which is a HUGE FLAW in a human being let alone a powerful world leader!!He’s Putins lap dog. No telling what he has on Trump but you can bet it’s enough to turn heads in Washington and get him impeached. I hope🙏
Still think a class action suit should be done for all the people that died during Co-Vid. He said not many would die, and people listened to him. I will become way worse this time around
He has blood on his hands. Felon47 voters have blood on their hands. Republicans and those who stand silent have blood on their hands. All they have is hate and the felon47 cult is about to FAFO.
Trump is trying to show Putin he’s strong by saying the US is going to take over other countries. Tearing up 100 yr. treaties to do a land grab from Canada, saying US is taking control of Panama Canal, Greenland, shutting out Ukraine - all in an attempt to show Putin he’s powerful and they’re bros.
Also the millions that died under his watch from COVID during his last administration because he lied about the severity of the virus to keep his numbers up.
The psychopathic narcissist will do anything to get what he wants without a care as to what he destroys and who he hurts in the process. So far he has never been held accountable. I sincerely hope that changes and that he will get the punishment he deserves for his many crimes.
Trump has never once been held to account for any of the many crimes that he has committed. He’s done some truly evil sh*t and has only been rewarded for it.
Let's not forget the 1+ Million people who died on Rump's watch from a severely blocked COVID response. I believe he wants to top that number in his 2nd term. What do you think? 🤔
The tangerine toddler is now 78yrs old after this term in power he’ll be 82yrs. I hope he has someone in his circle that has the ability to point this out. Having a person in your life who believes they can still drive when everyone around knows better. It’s hard taking the keys away but 🙏 stop him
He should have been charged, convicted, and imprisoned for all the Covid deaths that happened on his watch, considering his blatant inaction.
He was more concerned about the economy looking good and getting reelected, to avoid prison, than American lives....
We need a manifest group meeting, a prayer circle daily at a predetermined time where EVERYONE spends 5 minutes concentrating reàlly hard.and./or praying for the cessation of life of DJT & rabble AMEN
Well, he can never in a thousand lifetimes be held proportionally accountable for the lives he's ruined. Not in a million lifetimes. But if he has to suffer in this one I'll consider it enough.
Just look alone to all the people that he killed during the COVID pandemic because of his lying, misinformation, putting out false claims, and he was NEVER held accountable for that - that was genocide in a brutal form. He pushed back experts trying to save lives, and spewed bullshit.
Plus we can also
count all the pandemic deaths including all those influenced because of his disregard for masking.
Historical speaking it's the most effective way to drive out massive armies of opressors or invaders who is there to commit genocideðnic cleansing with only a small fraction of the population. 3.5% or more. The only way to stop settler colonial genocidal empires.
The only way anything will ever get any better. Is through revolution. Adapt the methods of the 1917 Russian people's revolution. Class war over country patriotism& nationalism. Refuse to fight in any of US imperialist wars. For the same reasons people refused with ww1.
In at least one successful socialist country, anyone in politics does not get paid for it. Let alone allow politicians to take money from any lobbies. We need that in the US after the people's revolution Claudia de la cruz and karina Garcia have support of #BLM
On Trump’s Last Full Day, Nation Records 400,000 Covid Deaths
By Will Stone
Shame on all those who continue to enable this Don-boy. He is responsible. He should be tried in a court of law. He shouldn’t be allowed to squirm out of a meaningful sentence. A nice long 1
He is anything and everything but ignorant.
He has multiple agendas.
four years of biden trying to play nice w nazis while the usag went after his own son
keystone cops would be embarrassed
He’ll die before he’s ever held accountable.
And that’s why I want him to just die, already.
There's only one guy he won't be able to cheat, and hopefully he's not far off.
He was more concerned about the economy looking good and getting reelected, to avoid prison, than American lives....
makes him complicit in that ongoing genocide
no one blames the American people...yet
a sad note from history:
only 36% of Germans voted for Hitler in 1932
but-history only remembers a "Nazi Germany"