LOYALTY: They voted for Trump in 2024. Months later, his administration fired them
Being a Trump supporter smells like patriotism because it appeals to a misplaced sense of automatic superiority. It erases the fact that every generation takes the reins of democracy & does with it what they deem. I don’t wish them harm… just enlightenment. Stupid is what stupid does.
”Show compassion. We need their votes.” Blah blah
They are the reason we are in this mess. Their racism, their stupidity, THEIR desire to hurt others. Tots and pears to them.
Fuck them
Suffer you morons, no sympathy
" 'This isn’t the way that our democracy works, and I don’t understand why (Trump) thinks this is acceptable.' "
WHY ? B/c you thought he meant other Americans, but not you, right ?
Welcome to Stinkytown, pal !
he has never reciprocated any loyalty to anyone
he's a narcissist
They'll line up for his coke-addled son and do it again.
Thoughts and prayers
They got what they voted for.
A felon
A rapist
And now they're surprised they got fucked?
Because their ass is white?
Now, sleep on the fucking bed you prepared.
I hope you're gnashing your teeth now until eternity.
FUCK YOU BOTH, and to all who voted for him!
Anybody that voted for the orange buffoon after January 6th, deserves whatever misfortune comes their way.
#TrueBlue 💙 💙 💙
If they have the humility to realize that they are being lied to the bulk of their American citizens, would love for them to join back up . If not pack your shit and move to Russia.
These newly jobless Relublicans that put Trump back in power, would not have the same empathy for Democrats. Time to fight fire with fire
I save it for those who are suffering that voted for Kamala.
F U, dumbass. It WAS a dream job, I did it for over 30 yrs.
God punishes little sins immediately, doesn't he?
Late, but it was okay when “THEY” would lose THEIR jobs right?!
You lost your job after voting for a convicted felon, Boo fucking hoo.
We are profoundly sorry for this shitshow 🤦🏽♀️🤯
Some rich dudes decided they could bend him to their will, gave him lotsa 🤑 and bam, here we are.
Word salad
Tots and pears though.
They voted for a traitor liar what did they expect.
a convicted felon, a traitor, a Russian puppet,
a cheater of a kids' cancer charity, a bigot and misogynist.
Make better choices.
Fuck them.
It defies all logic and common sense.
FAFO is real.
“I still support all of the goals of the administration, and I think that I can respectfully disagree with the way those things are carried out,” he said. "
This Trumptard will never learn.
You to will learn the hard truth, trump doesn’t care about you
If they thought they wouldn't be affected, that it would be someone else, surprise.
Unfortunately, most magas need to feel more severe consequences before they accept they’re wrong about traitor47.