Do u or someone u love use Medicaid?
People need to understand what Trump's budget the Republicans have proposed for the long term would mean in their everyday lives.
So what are they using this Medicaid cut money for?
They're using this to give tax cuts to a bunch of billionaires.
Save Medicaid
People need to understand what Trump's budget the Republicans have proposed for the long term would mean in their everyday lives.
So what are they using this Medicaid cut money for?
They're using this to give tax cuts to a bunch of billionaires.
Save Medicaid
They worried about expensive medical care should they get sick.
Medicare and Medicaid is their first opportunity to have medical care coverage.
Who'd think they'd have to worry again.
We- 🇺🇸disabled-
are not disposable.
Proposed GOP plan: $1.1 trillion in cuts to Medicaid & SNAP to afford $1.1 trillion in tax giveaways for richest 2%.
Oaklee Thiele, thanks for your graphic.
26 is coming
Said no one ever.
4 trillion dollars in personal subsidies!