YES. I keep repeating it again and again: This is not only a "constitutional crisis”. This is a terrorist attack on America, a terrorist attack from within, with countless lives destroyed, innumerable wounded and dead‼️
I keep remembering the current POTUS mocking a disabled reporter and the hooks that seeing that public mocking and bullying, by the POTUS elect, put into Meryl Streep’s heart. Mine too. His dishonor is a stain on us all.
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You're the biggest "pick me" troll on this platform.
And an Arson... He's burning the entire institution of government to the ground.
Putin's lovin' it. ba-da-ba-ba-BAAAA
He’s Got no idea what his Government is doing. 🤡
Pretty sure not a single one ever involved the entire country rolling over onto its back and pissing itself in submission.
This timeline fucking suuuuuuuuuuuuuucks.
fixed it for you.