A procession of painted fools, draped in delusion and indictment, tumbling through history. Each a jester sworn to a fallen king, their laughter hollow, their fate sealed in the ink of their own deceit.
Every day, in every way, America seems to celebrate Rapists and liars more. Not the America I grew up with. Not a country I would feel safe for my family and friends. How could you elect this waste of space. Shame on you America. Every day he continues is a stain on your integrity and honor. Shame
Scum like this does not represent me, and his invite to the White House is an insult to Ireland.
Trump apparently worships misogynistic fascists like this guy.
No. I will not forget that grub VIOLENTLY assaulted Nikita to the point that she had to have a tampon removed by a doctor. Dump can play these games all he likes. Keep digging that grave, donny.
He's hated here in Ireland . His fans are the same people who glorify Andrew Tate. He's talking about running for president .(The president in Ireland isn't leader of the government but more like an ambassadorial role ) I hope he does , that'll be hilarious . He'll get a few hundred incel votes .
It's like the reverse Captain Planet. Trump is gathering a crack team of super elite rapists for his sexual assault avengers. Hegseth, Tate, Mcgregor, unite! Captain Trump, he's a hero, going to get rape conviction rates down to a zero!
Not many people pointing out the absolute absurdist comedy, like batshit crazy, weapons grade batshit, that an Irishman, from Ireland, was in America, speaking at the White House, as an Irishman, and complaining about... (checks notes again in utter disbelief) ...immigration. This is a mad timeline
Trump apparently worships misogynistic fascists like this guy.