I don't understand crypto. I don't know whether this is because I'm now getting too old for new-fangled ideas, or if the whole thing is a big pile of magic bean shit.
It's one of those things that are so internalised that we don't usually think to interrogate the assumptions that they rest on, but once we do, the whole concept falls apart very quickly
See also: time; gender; capitalism and the Western work ethic
Before I understood crypto I thought it was a pile of shit. That all changed after I did some research. Now that I actually understand crypto, I think it's a *massive* pile of shit.
This conversation has had an unfortunate side effect of being followed by an account dedicated to... ah, I shouldn't use the words again... er.... Crapto and... Buttcoin. I've done my first blue-sky blockin.
See also: time; gender; capitalism and the Western work ethic
#topical #soapworld