The fascists want to bog us down in this debate because gaslighting is a foundational necessity for fascists to thrive. If they can make what you see with your own eyes a matter of debate, it opens the door to retcon'ing anything, such as January 6 or the plain meaning of the 14th amendment.
Right? Its like he was caught at a Klan rally and people want to discuss whether or not he was just really into bedsheets. Its bullshit. He's a fucking Nazi, who, prior to doing this, was supporting the German rebirth of the Nazi party.
Do I particularly care, as a hypothetical victim of a fascist regime, if the guy shooting me is cackling like a maniac or somberly glaring at me while he does
I swear half the people with these takes don’t understand that the Nazis were real and actually did that shit and aren’t a black and white Hollywood version of the Klingons.
if there's one thing that 25 years of Being Too Online has taught me over and over again, it's that doing something ironically is often the first step towards doing it earnestly. i'm baffled that so many others refuse to learn that lesson despite endless opportunities to learn it