My theory is that she wasn't getting any requests for dates cause men were like, "I'm not getting rejected by Taylor Swift", and Kelce said, "F it", took his shot and she was like, "well, he's got balls at least", and the rest is history...
I mean Travis didn't really seem her type either but she actually has country roots so I feel she wanted someone "real" vs some of the "players" she had dated. Probably olded myself with the player word. lol
Cute girl. Always alone. Suddenly dating a dumpy kid. He got her pregnant. Found out she gave him a shot cause everyone else was afraid to ask her out. Guys were kicking themselves.
My theory is that she wasn't getting any requests for dates cause men were like, "I'm not getting rejected by Taylor Swift", and Kelce said, "F it", took his shot and she was like, "well, he's got balls at least", and the rest is history...
Cute girl. Always alone. Suddenly dating a dumpy kid. He got her pregnant. Found out she gave him a shot cause everyone else was afraid to ask her out. Guys were kicking themselves.
My wife still claims I stalked her.
I still say I left breadcrumbs that she followed.
It's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Besides, seen Travis. Not that much of a step up from Kelce. So there's that...