Gotta tell you if you're American and you love bread your head will be blown if you have it in Europe. American bread would barely pass as bread over here. When I bought "artisan" bread in the USA it was just like ordinary bread here.
Stella! It took me ages to get bread right. So two NBs:
1. don’t leave the mixing bowl. Never. Why create a huge mess on the counter top? Huge waste of effort. Instead of “kneading”, the dough can be stretched and manipulated (folded) in the bowl.
2. Make time a friend. You don’t really need {1/2}
{2/2} to knead if you use time to your advantage. Leave the dough to rise in the fridge for a whole day, then let it warm, work and shape for loaf tin, and let it rise an hour or so before baking.
I use a teaspoon of sugar to get the yeast going but otherwise only salt and flour.
Some good YouTube lessons for the stretch and fold method. It makes everything soooo much simpler.
I’m not an experienced baker, still learning!
I’m going to try and do a whole day out of the fridge while I’m at work (only worried the dough might over-prove) to avoid the warm-up out the fridge..
Earlier this year, I learned about a setting on my bread maker: you can put stuff in it, hit go, and it will mix and knead but not cook! It is awesome for making doughs! I was about to throw out the machine: bread cooked in it is so very bland and awful.
1. don’t leave the mixing bowl. Never. Why create a huge mess on the counter top? Huge waste of effort. Instead of “kneading”, the dough can be stretched and manipulated (folded) in the bowl.
2. Make time a friend. You don’t really need {1/2}
I use a teaspoon of sugar to get the yeast going but otherwise only salt and flour.
I’m not an experienced baker, still learning!
I’m going to try and do a whole day out of the fridge while I’m at work (only worried the dough might over-prove) to avoid the warm-up out the fridge..
Hungry? Bread
Don’t feel like having a full meal? Bread
Happy? Break bread
Unhappy? Toast with jam
It can be a starter, part of main course or a dessert.
Bread is amazing.