There's a difference between blaming Democrats for how awful Republicans are and blaming Democrats at least in part for Republicans having a trifecta in the federal government (true and how I interpret this).
I mean sure, we can blame NY democrats for not gerrymandering better which would have stopped the Republican trifecta but I don’t think that’s the point Nina Turner is making, especially since her entire feed is nonsensically hating on democrats
The far left's primary enemy is the Democratic Party, which they believe is the only thing that prevents the sheeple from recognizing that the far left is good and should be put in power.
The Democratic Party must be destroyed in order to save the people.
Nah she's right, dems ran a dogshit campaign which resulted in zero energy for voters.
Huge chunk of voters don't care or know to care about policy, you need to give them a reason to vote. That's why the outrage garbage from the GOP exists, it works.
Right, a 'decent' campaign when up until months before the election their candidate was a guy incapable of running. A party with better systems, processes and people would have sorted that much earlier.
I don't think we should just blame Dems but I do think we shouldn't paper over their failures.
every strategically terrible thing that the Democrats did was matched by some that was strategically _worse_ on the GOP side. there were factors that were beyond any one entity's control, and no one wants to acknowledge that
In this case, is she wrong? Dems are largely a bunch of elites who give the impression of being out of touch. They're captured by corporate interests and don't want to rock their own boat. We know Trump is awful but at the moment, the Dems aren't proving capable of resisting him
Like I don't think she's necessarily blaming them for Republican horribleness, she's saying there are choices they could have made that met the moment. They didn't make them because too many love the status quo.
yes she is wrong. “Democrats are elites” is a meaningless statement especially since Donald Trump is a billionaire and his entire campaign was about getting massive donations from other billionaires
it makes sense to me. if the nazis invaded my country because the ministry of defense installed all the artillery facing backwards, i'd hate the nazis, but i'd hate the defense minister a lot more (which is a separate question from who's more evil.)
Doesn't it surprise you that the Democratic Party, with everything in its favor, being the government, that Trump is a convicted criminal, that his policies offend and attack the majority, with greed as the only moral "virtue", has not been able to sweep away the Republican Party? If not them, who?
I blame Democrats for helping bring Trump back because they should say and do more stuff to win. She blames Democrats because she hates them and continuously losing reinforcements her beliefs. We are not the same.
This is, at the least, not just a one way thing. Absolutely constant "it's the left's fault the right are doing bad stuff" messaging from swathes of the press and online commentariat.
Saw an Insta post that said, verbatim, “Democrats are literally the only people responsible for where we are right now.” This was from someone I knew in grad school and once respected and thought was smart, but I also know has cooked his brain in Online for like 6 yrs, and boy I dunno
The headline has a point: Two thirds of the American electorate either voted for Trump or didn't give a shit about protecting the republic.
Let me state this simply: Attacking Democrats is carrying water for Republicans; if you're only holding one side accountable, you're being a useful idiot.
Nothing she said is incorrect. Democrats are more worried about their lobbyists and consultants rather than enacting policies people like. Medicare for all is one of the most popular policies in the US and they didn’t mention it once the last 4 years. Spare me the fake outrage dude.
"Democrats chose corporations" you mean the corporations that all came out in support of Trump and all got front row seats at his inauguration? How willfully dense do you have to be to still think "Dems lose because they cater to the rich" when they're losing to the party of Trump, Musk, and Bezos?
I forget the exact source I saw this from as it was in December but you can check out the breakdown of their campaign contributions on open secrets. IIRC most corporations and billionaires were giving Harris money through PAC’s
The Democratic Party must be destroyed in order to save the people.
Huge chunk of voters don't care or know to care about policy, you need to give them a reason to vote. That's why the outrage garbage from the GOP exists, it works.
Policies and talking points might have been good, but they utterly failed the most important part, voter interest.
I don't think we should just blame Dems but I do think we shouldn't paper over their failures.
Running against Trump should be an utter slam dunk.
democrats failed tremendously but a fair amount of their failure stems from expecting the electorate to not be stupid as fuck
The GOP could announce they're introducing a _maximum_ wage of $7.25/hour and their voters would cheer for it.
They helped neither Palestine nor the US and now desperately need this to be someone else's' fault.
Let me state this simply: Attacking Democrats is carrying water for Republicans; if you're only holding one side accountable, you're being a useful idiot.