the reason YIMBYs are so incessant about YIMBYism is that there is literally One Simple Trick to fix the housing crisis that actually *raises* government revenue and is environmentally friendly.
we just need to legalize housing
we just need to legalize housing
Reposted from
M. Nolan Gray 🥑
Auckland went all in on YIMBY, and the results are clear: 43,500 new homes in 10 years, and rents down 28% relative to peers.
NIMBYism pits neighbor against neighbor in the same way that GOP austerity does
The only "winners" are people who can live with blaming the victims
Subsidizing demand increases cost essentially every single time its tried, no matter the country, industry, time period
Who knows what you mean by “overwhelming” excess” but real world examples show marginal rent decreases in range of 10-20% which is great, but not enough.