in 2019, California contributed approximately $472B in federal taxes, about 14.1% of the total US Tax revenue.
So if you're talking about withholding funds because of the fires, maybe we should withhold federal income tax payments.
How's that sound, #RedStateDeadBeats?
So if you're talking about withholding funds because of the fires, maybe we should withhold federal income tax payments.
How's that sound, #RedStateDeadBeats?
Cut them off. Make them live on the taxes they collect, not other states.
“DEI” insults to the fire chief, keep being surprised by being surprised at the gutter politicking of any tragedy.
We could exit and be just fine TYVM. And we’ve got a handy mountain range to protect us from invasion.
So GOP Jim Bobs from Tennessee, Oklahoma and west Virginia yammering about Newsom and 'if' California 'deserves' aid, can go to faux Christian hell.🔵
We are the United States. Let's act like it.
And I'm not okay with punishing good people in suppression states because they have bad Governors, Senators, Representatives and MAGA mouthpieces.
I'll laugh at them even though it will affect me as well.
I agree let’s keep the tax revenue here in the state