Probably goes to Bloodborne or Sekiro for me. Bloodborne for its art direction, the way it the gothic setting gives way to eldritch horror, it’s incredible. Sekiro because its combat is almost perfect, the way it turns good defense into your best offense is so fun. It’s got a really good story too!
Hardcore fans seem to differ to bloodborne, but the wider audience gravitate towards elden ring for the accessibility. I love them both but for me it's definitely elden ring!
Bloodborne (with dlc) and the reason it’s a cut above the rest is because exploring the areas is as fun or more fun than the bosses most of the time, I feel like from’s game design with areas has gotten a little lazy in ds3 and ER with enemy spam rather than smart placement
at the risk of dating myself, my first encounter with Fromsoft was way back on the PSX and Armored Core. all those early PSX & PS2 AC games still hold a special place with me. the latest AC is pretty good too, but is much more difficult than the earlier titles.
Bloodborne but Sekiro is the most polished one. Elden Ring is a one in a lifetime experience but it has enough grievances like repeat bosses, lackluster rewards or weird stuff like Elden Beast without Torrent (got patched) that prevent it to take the first spot imo.
Dark Souls 3. it took the best of DS1, DS2 and Bloodborne and mixed them together into a monumentally satisfying conclusion to a trilogy. everything after was still good, but imo went way too hard on trying to be visually spectacular and be the new "dark souls" via difficulty and worldbuilding.
Likely not the best, but it's the only one I've played.
Enchanted Arms. A decent RPG with strategic elements and a sort of Pokemon-like system in its golems that help out your party. A shame it was a buggy mess, though, but a re-release could fix all that.
I understand why you would want one, but the original runs great on PS5.
Personally, my masochism level is too low to really love FromSoft. After playing Dark Souls it took me about 2 years to find the energy to start bloodborne. Nearing its finish line these days.
Bloodborne will always be my favorite. I really liked Elden Ring but it was just too much game for me. I got burnt out about halfway through it. Maybe I’ll go back and finish it someday.
that which will remain trapped in previous generation hardware and must not be named for it will cause pain to untold amounts of beings...
bloodborne without a doubt
I really like Elden ring because it was the first from software game I played and was able to help me learn how to play the other ones, because I always struggled with them, playing dark souls 2 next
Personally, it's a toss up between Bloodborne and Elden Ring for me since I played/enjoyed them the most ... but DS2 will always hold a special place in my heart for being the soulslike that got me in the genre. But honestly, if I was any good at it, I would probably say Sekiro...
My experience is limited but my favorite is Armored Core 6. Well put together, lots of replayability, and classic From Software bosses that are strikingly difficult but not impossible
Its still Dark Souls. Every From Software game since, all of which are great, to be clear, has been translating the original magic of Dark Souls into new settings and concepts. Without the original Dark Souls, we're nowhere.
Until it gets a performance patch, I can’t in good conscience put Bloodborne ahead of Elden Ring. BB was awesome for the time but is outperformed in every way by ER
What's that one.. the one that isn't really super hard? With the really good mechanics and the interesting, fully voice acted story? You know, the one with quicksave/load...
Real ones will say sekiro. It has onpar gameplay with all the other titles while still feeling different and fresh along with a story thats more directly told to you
bloodborne if they would port it to pc because i cant play it and since i cant play it it cant be the best because i cant play it please bloodborne please come to pc i beg you i want to become space squid please #bloodbornepc2025
Exploration: Elden ring
Gameplay: bloodborne
Most memorable: dark souls 2
Bloodborne is a VERY close second though.
For single player experience, sekiro
(but really bloodborne)
But you could make an argument I guess for Bloodborne.
Episode 3
[Yes, they did a super robot game series]
I personally say that Bloodborne is the best.
I think Sekiro is technically better but its skill requirement is so high compared to every other game that I find it off putting.
DS3, BB and Kuon are all tied as a close second for me.
But bloodbornes got trick weapons 😈
Enchanted Arms. A decent RPG with strategic elements and a sort of Pokemon-like system in its golems that help out your party. A shame it was a buggy mess, though, but a re-release could fix all that.
Personally, my masochism level is too low to really love FromSoft. After playing Dark Souls it took me about 2 years to find the energy to start bloodborne. Nearing its finish line these days.
Pc port NOW!!
Bloodborne is my favorite.
bloodborne without a doubt
Setting/Story: Bloodborne, I mean.
The only one I played and ever will(most probably).
DS3 (best)
Elden Ring