There is a desperate and painfully overdue need for a real news outlet that determines the news is the real and true thing, not just whatever Trump says followed by a smaller-font addendum that lightly contradicts him. Everything he says has a 95% chance of being a lie or wrong and yet it's repeated
A coworker once about said about climate change: "We don't *know* what causes it." But, but, but we DO! We DO know. Guess what else we know? Vaccines do not cause autism. 'Spending good money to find out what we already know' is the waste.
You can't tell me they are all benign.
Male sperm count is declining throughout the world.
Have these things contaminated our brains and now parasiticly control us.
Plus, the headline allows anti-vaccine folk to see that Trump is on their side.
A headline such as “Trump Determined to Risk Lives Regardless of Medical Facts” makes the stakes clearer and doesn’t restate the lie
And fuck you, anyone who thinks risking a deadly disease is a better choice than risking Autism
Yes, let's blame something that prevents fatal diseases instead of the subtlety of nature. (indy TV) Maria Hinojosa's Futuro Media, and more.
I know you know this, Matt. Sharing for folks who don't.