Exactly correct. And an important reason why we cannot expect to win the majorities we need to enact a progressive platform with a politics which is based on identity. The Harris Walz campaign did a brilliant job of showing us the way. If only we had followed their lead a little better.
I keep thinking of guys like Tim Scott and Byron Donalds who have lowered themselves as low as possible to grovel and belly crawl and try to curry favor from Trump and have come out empty handed thus far.
It is the ONLY “identity politics.” You have to be incredibly focused on “identity” to maintain a near homogenous identity among your party. Everything else is a challenge to that. Not the same thing.
The Republicans are 100% about “identity politics.” Who talked incessantly about racial and gender identity during the 2024 campaign? Trump and GOP. Yet who was “branded” as focused on “identity politics?”
Me: We should not let these white nationalists rent this place.
Guy: Oh, you want to play identity politics.
Me: Um. They're *white* *nationalists*. You can't get more identity politics than that.
Guy: [something blah blah u don't know blah blah]
It is only identity politics if you can throw that word to the left or liberals. The right and MAGA only do sober factual politics.
Did nobody learn that during this election cycle from all those media outlets and pundits? /s
The skin colour and ethinicty of every one of those people needs to be identified and broadcast LOUDLY so people can see what's happening. Though tbh I think it's impossible to be a POC in trump's government. I those that's claim to be should be disavowed
And Stephen Miller - who wouldn’t count as “white” to 75% of the people whose ass he kisses. His Jewish, refugee grandfather fled Belarus for this? What a piece of shit he is.
I'm finding the Christian default to be more pernicious. How are Christians losing power if churches get tax breaks, I can't buy wine before 12 on Sundays, most people get Christmas off, and Christmas is now three months long.
Isn't 1/4 of the year and one day a week enough for these people?
I don’t have a problem with people getting religion. I have a problem with them defaulting to believe everyone else is a Christian. When I told someone I was an atheist and they replied, “So you dismiss everything I believe?” As though their beliefs are what everyone else should believe too. Sigh.
yeah i think christianity in the context of white identity is more a tool of being able to weaponize morality than any actual beatific or numinous reflection of one’s personal relationship with the mystery of the universe
Christians are like their billionaire leader Trump. Regardless of having so much power in our society, they are constantly whining about being the victim. Their definition of “religious freedom” is their right to impose their religious beliefs on the rest of us.
Of course Biden was strongly criticized for the diversity of his Cabinet. They are all 100X more qualified than the Trump picks. (Straight white males depicted in B&W)
"Is it possible to be astonished and not surprised at the same time" Jeb Bartlett Fictional POTUS Emeritus
America elected a Trust Fund Baby Felon Sexual Predator with no moral compass or ethics so his appointees make perfect sense.
West Wing seems fantasmagorical today.
Republicans haven’t cared at all about deficits since at least Reagan
Only Democrats cared about deficits
Me: We should not let these white nationalists rent this place.
Guy: Oh, you want to play identity politics.
Me: Um. They're *white* *nationalists*. You can't get more identity politics than that.
Guy: [something blah blah u don't know blah blah]
Did nobody learn that during this election cycle from all those media outlets and pundits? /s
* Which is all of them
Isn't 1/4 of the year and one day a week enough for these people?
4 years of this shyte.
America elected a Trust Fund Baby Felon Sexual Predator with no moral compass or ethics so his appointees make perfect sense.
West Wing seems fantasmagorical today.
*: dumbass elitist incompetent
Latinos for Trump
Are wondering who will fight for them.
I hope this picture tells them what they need to know.