I don’t write about it often because I lack the talent of someone like Octavia Butler to do so in a way that is palatable, but, without an unanticipated disruption of some kind, every long-term trajectory I forsee leads to a world with the majority of people living as climate and conflict refugees.
Keeping the truth alive will be critical when those who speak it are deemed crazy. Be bookleggers.
Cause USC
Is not for freeee
Orange bafoon has obviously seen game plans for severe climate change.
Keep hearing him saying "drill baby drill". Fucking moron.
I’m heartened by the response to this post. I’m often hesitant to write about these trajectories because they are so bleak. It helps to know many others see it too.
Those with the greatest wealth certainly do, which is why they’re investing in islands and survival compounds.
I don’t think it’s an accident that the dynamics of racism and sexism and the other various non-class related sources of division are likewise being heightened.
They’ve been implemented for decades by the unethical, all the way down to the evil.
None of them are accidental
The Internet is truth’s swan song.
We cannot fight the sources of the problems as long as we are fighting one another.
And as long as we stay confused about what is happening and at war amongst ourselves, we continue to proceed along the same bleak trajectories.
We appear to be on the road toward such a collapse again, and, so far at least, those with the power to stop it are instead choosing to accelerate the process.
We need a disruption.
And what if we say we don't want another version of this. We want a world of equality, compassion, and abundance?
This life is your test for your next life.
Social collapse due to climate change.
Accelerating occurrences of rapid, often catastrophic disasters & political upheavals, ever-worsening already tenuous access to basic resources like sustenance & shelter.
I'm not joking.
We're objectively in shit : let's talk about it
Meanwhile everyone is caught up in their own mini crises, so they don’t have the mental space to look outside their own sphere.
And if you can't, at least do yourself a favor and kick your everyday addictions like caffeine and nicotine.
The end of the world is going to suck hard enough without withdrawals.
Very interesting with the cattle movement.
Maybe aliens will come and they’ll be progressives? 😂