RFK, Jr. looks like a deer in headlights when confronted by his own previous statements on vaccines & AIDS.
This man isn’t qualified.
This man isn’t qualified.
This house is already on fire
Listening to him cry about chronic illness meanwhile they are going to take coverage away!
Spear me his pearl clutching! 🤔😠🤨🤯
She would know.
Women be ware he will fold like a deck of cards
2. Covid anti-vax started as anti-mask and it was 100% political because Covid protocols were “ruining” the “beautiful” Trump economy
3. RFK, Jr., a left wing nut job anti-vaxxer, was in the right place at the right time and rode that wave right into this confirmation hearing
"Your father would be completely ashamed of you if he were alive today."
By next week, this dude is going to be our HHS secretary and there's not a damn thing we can do about it.
Republicans (despite all the videos being freely available): "checkmate, libs."
A leader of health should rely on the facts,
Not talk nonsense and baseless attacks.
RFK’s theories are crazy and strained,
Perhaps it’s the dead worm lodged in his brain?