Right now I have more on the line than your stock portfolios (Nancy). I also know that this is a strongly worded letter. The irony hits me in the face like the floor does to McConnells. However, it is what you like to do when faced with a crisis so, I’ve met you here. Bitches
Keep it coming
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The DNC requires massive reform if you want it to do anything except continue to stubbornly refuse to become the party of the working class.
It was people not showing to vote for change that broke nation.
That’s why our founders didn’t outline parties in Constitution, because our nation was never supposed to have them.
You voted against Trump’s fascism, right?
You didn’t vote 3rd party or abstain, right?
As long as candidates are picked by back room deals rather than the will of the Democratic voters, democratic candidates are going to continue to predominantly be weak sauce, corporate apologists who do nothing and energize nobody.