If we were to make a list of what is better in the 2020s than the 1970s, education quality, activity in the NHS, housing quality probably marginally, availability of consumer goods, entertainment. Some stuff worse - eg costs of going out, housing availability.
Reposted from
David Herdson
It might have been taken for granted, and it might have been believed, but it certainly wasn't the truth. School education is miles better now than it was in the 1970s/80s, and while the NHS is under severe strain, it also does a great deal more than in times past.
I remember my grandparents as worn out by the harsh lives they'd lived. I'm their ages now, and am a very different person, as are my peers.
Well, the Bay City Rollers, flares, the insanity of political violence (a few years ago, I might have said open racism, but that's made a return on social media), for starters.
But, mostly the Bay City Rollers.