At the end of every written exam we ask students to rate the exam on two items, one of them being "I had sufficient time to answer the questions", and it took me surprisingly long to realize how this is an amazing example for the outcome itself leading to missing data.
I'm sorry, European/US unis have been, roughly, the same since what, 1970?
In that time no one has written a book, given to every new hire, best practice in teaching ?
or if not best practice, what we think is not bad practice ?
why on earth do you have to do this ?
it's insane
what i am saying is that since we have been gathering feedback , at 1,000s of unis across the globe for decades, there should be std advice; Dr Rohrer shouldn't have to figure this out, there should be a manual, a how to, heck a fucking shelf of how to books in the library
Time pressure -> Reported time pressue <- Missingness
but then there's an arrow from time pressure to missingness which essentially means that missing data wise, you're kinda screwed 😅
On the way out the kids found a feedback terminal. Banged out a sad-face each because it was a vaccination.
I hope no-one's performance review depended on that data.
I once got the comment that my exam is too hard. My fail-rate is low and decreasing, while I keep the expectations fixed. Also, the student evals close before the exam period. Thus, this person failed in the past, so reality != truth.