Some in the Cabinet are now very obviously leaking their disquiet with Starmer. The gauntlet is being thrown down, I think. It's deliver or go time for Starmer and Reeves.
Why do you and the rest of the media never report the good stuff?
Byline times do
I'd love to be proved wrong though.
The workers rights bill passed the third reading before going to the lords last Wednesday, nothing reported anywhere which is labours problem.
Planning reform is next, crickets
There was an initial flurry of articles when it was first announced and there'll probably be something at the end.
But yep, it's quiet at the moment.
‘Socialism’ has been shown the door. Just ask your self who are the working class today to get the answer why,
Sit down, Cultist.
It’s where you win votes not the number.
Corbyn and his sycophants never understood that
starmer’s labour doesn’t represent me.
What do the 2025 working class do for a living?
What does a person's job or lack thereof have to do with their human rights
And Starmer’s votes were mainly GTTO
In 2019 Ukip didn't contend in Tory safe seats whereas in 2024 Deform UK split the collapsed Tory vote.
Keep going
It's worth noting that the Labour right have written articles boasting about how they undermined the 2019 election.
Labour were formed as a socialist party but now they are a Neolib Tory twin.
You are welcome to them.
Traditional labour had to change, some are still stuck in the past.
One thing you don’t do well is politics
Ideologies don’t work
I swear many Labour voters would rather have their head under the heel of Farage than compromise with their own.