I'm going to print this out, tape it to a paint stick, and raise it silently whenever my husband complains about another beautiful stack of hot, fresh fiction.
Unless I plan on a rereading, I often donate or permanently lend my books to others. A book does no good collecting dust on my shelf as a decorative piece. They’re meant to be read over and over again. I’ve found that schools are great places to store books that you don’t plan on revisiting.
I've finally brought all my books together (some were in storage a LONG time) and I realize that I'm going to need a new bookshelf. In celebration, I've ordered 2 new books from an indy bookstore.
Thank you!!!! I’ve felt like such a hoarder since reading Marie Kondo. But all of my books bring me such joy! I don’t keep one if I won’t read it again.
Each of my books is an old friend, patiently waiting for me to make my rounds and visit them again 💗
To paraphrase a quote I heard years ago, we’re not really buying books, we’re trying to buy the time to read them, and I always thought that was sad and lovely.
*They just HAPPEN To begin in COMICS!!*
-Thank You , You sanctimonious,
Grand standing, Opulent Lovers of Arrogance. *
I recognize those words as English, but they're not put together in any way that makes coherent sense.
Now, if only my cats would stop knocking my book towers over.
Each of my books is an old friend, patiently waiting for me to make my rounds and visit them again 💗
I have 1502 books on ONE TBR list alone....