Yes! And No! I worked at a small manufacturing business and a lot of young guys liked listening to Rogan because they liked hearing all the different topics, like science and animal stories. Try listening to the Uneducated Economist and you’ll see what I’m talking about.
I think we could maybe use some hero scientists teaching us about how these dynamics and insights could be used as a better model for communicating in general there’s too much text to sort. To get an accurate view. If ai was so smart it would how to sort all my corespondents and networks platforms.
I think you and the team are fantastic. I like what your team at Udub and the university @Indiana both do it’s super cool.
I was glad to see you had support from your talk, that was super good to see collaboration between colleagues!
I’m going to go over the papers and see what they have. Thanks
Interesting stuff, but at this point I’m more interested in hearing about ideas people have for circumventing the millionaire and billionaire backed propaganda ecosystem and algorithm. No, Cuban and Pritzker don’t count.
Well, I don't entirely disagree, the authors miss the importance of how information is shared & process. Rather than focusing on podcasts (aren't those dead yet), things like memes, which are easy to digest & circulate are more powerful. "building" a media infrastructure only took MAGA 2 decades.
"built through media that speaks their language": fear, racism, bigotry. There was an audience that was ripe for this language, and Fox and Rush groomed that audience, creating a media bubble based on lies. I don't see this approach working with the left: rational, compassionate, fact based. MSNBC?
I agree to some extent. I don’t think there’s a mirror image to the right wing media ecosystem (or bullshit machine) that’s going to work for the left. It will have to find a different path. But the one it’s on probably isn’t going to lead to success.
This is great. Not just a new media but one that reaches working class people and tells stories they directly understand. One that recognizes the class warfare that is happening. A variety of voices that connect and present progressive frames and narratives.
Wonderful article!
So ... like this?
I was glad to see you had support from your talk, that was super good to see collaboration between colleagues!
I’m going to go over the papers and see what they have. Thanks
Authentic voices will matter.