Have him explain his words after the ruling and then fine him at a minimum and charge him with finding every last person on the flight and getting them back to the US by Close of Business Friday!
I’m warning everybody that once these people feel backed into a corner, they will incite violence against all of us. I am pleading to every American to recognize the Nazi government that is currently occupying our country. Do not let them hide from it.
Here’s the million dollar question, why aren’t the judges deputizing people to bring people in the administration in for contempt? Why aren’t they being held in contempt
That’s what I said… they seem to think bc they are in the DC bubble they can control all of it.. if the government is declared illegitimate… they can’t borrow money.. if states turn off the flow they can’t get revenue… I think there’s a lot to be done.. all bad.. but possible..
you would expect so, but the maga freaks will threaten the judges and their families, or impeach them, so it won't matter. Soon only the goose-stepping loyalists will be in positions of power, then we will be well and truly fucked
We were too nice after the Civil War when we only ejected 14 Congress members. We allowed their abhorrent behavior to continue by ignoring it & hoping they’d grow out of it. They haven’t.
Once we clean this shit up, we need prosecution & accountability. Behavior only changes if it’s painful.
Have him explain his words after the ruling and then fine him at a minimum and charge him with finding every last person on the flight and getting them back to the US by Close of Business Friday!
Quit fucking around with Nazis goddammit!
The left is coming.
The constitutional defenders are coming.
The army of GOD…. Is fucking coming for you, your bullshit religion, your disgraceful administration and YOU.
Fuck with us.
We’ve been waiting.
Let's see what happens asshole.
They can do whatever they want without consequences and they know it.
They control the court, neglect laws and rules and they know it.
Do not rely on laws, courts or elections when you want to survive.
You need a war to eliminate the nazi's.
Once we clean this shit up, we need prosecution & accountability. Behavior only changes if it’s painful.