Yesterday I responded to a “Concerned Citizen” who had a go about me writing about “Nazi Cars” in an article (see my last post - it’s about how many solar panels you need to charge an EV)
To clarify I used Tesla and other brand cars as examples for calculations. Seeing as the Y is one 🧵
To clarify I used Tesla and other brand cars as examples for calculations. Seeing as the Y is one 🧵
BTW, look at BYDs stackable modular system for batteries.
Owners don’t want to be seen as supporters of a new third reich or similar.
My response was that I am appalled at the direction Musk is taking. I’ve been very clear about this and
I responded to this person saying is that how they will interact with everyone who
It looks like this person has now blocked me. Honestly not really bothered about that on a personal level.
What does bother me though is that this attitude may become increasingly prevalent. At what point does this attitude exit the
I can’t afford to sell my car. I bought it with the intention of owning it for 20 years. There are people with jobs who can’t just quit. These are good people who shouldn’t have to be
So I hope that those that read this will spread the sentiment: hate whatever the hell is going on with Musk and his anti-trans, pro-Trump
But maybe people should be reminded of Mercedes or VW board decisions before they think the CEO is part of their buying process!
It’s a complex issue obviously. And I don’t know what the answer is. Everyone needs to decide for themselves.