The peasants, aka non-millionaires, had better figure this out right quick before trump & his felons fvkk over the Masses in every aspect of their lives.
I took care of my dad and watched him suffer terribly because our healthcare in this county is crap! He suffered for a couple months before succumbing to cancer! No sympathy for this guy whatsoever! I'm cold like that now! I save my sympathy for ppl like my dad!
Imagine all the celebration and congrats that get passed around during those quarterly earnings calls. “We made another $4.5 billion this quarter by literally just taking payments from people and ignoring them when they asked for our services.”
Woohoo!!!!! More money from the poors and the dead!!!!
I won’t condone murder but I won’t lionize the CEO either. Apparently he was being investigated for insider trading per reporting by
Or any CEO. They made their choices to put Mammon above all else. Remember the eye of the needle and the camel story? Of course the kingdom of heaven and reward in the hereafter is bullshit by the haves to keep the have-not in line.
I can’t believe the media’s refusal to understand the public’s reaction to this. Healthcare companies are killing and bankrupting America while our political system is so broken that we are helpless to change anything through the normal channels…and yet they wonder why political violence exists.
I am surprised more haven’t gone the same way…you all get treated like rubbish and lap it up.
The whole world now has to pay for your self inflicted pain
Really, the system that gave him the power to kill people for profit got him killed - the system is a death monger, he was just a victim of the same system he was paid by. If you want to deal with for profit health insurance, people are going to die, that’s the price we pay.
He chose to put himself in a position where he was a murderer for money.
The system that gave him that choice is the big problem, some people will always choose to participate in evil - don’t feel bad for him, but a system that offers benefits for being evil is broken
Pearl clutching? I'm writing a wish list of ones that deserve it even more. I'm going to find the most mentally unstable person I know and give it to them in an advent calendar format. 😁
Especially when the people scolding us for it celebrated the actions of Daniel Perry. Celebrated the actions of Kyle Rittenhouse. Celebrated the actions of George Zimmerman.
Nor is murdering him. You didn't kill him so you need not feel shame. But if we don't show a moral centre, cannot expect of anyone else to. Meeting abuse with rage re-enforces violence: have to show the abuser how far they are from a responsible moral baseline; keep pressing the case for change.
It really should, cause the alternative is just letting them cut your grandma’s life short by a decade or two, then kids can’t make their grandma proud during graduation cause a CEO wanted to save 3 grand he was paid by said grandma for her health issues.
There are many instances of celebration of death of heinous figures even in modern times. The legality of profiting from death and harm does not make it less heinous.
I do not give one last fuck about the CEO. Didn't know him. The problem i have is this was murder. Even though I hate all CEO's & their greedy lives, murder is murder and still illegal. At least for another month or so.
It's like watching someone shoot your child, being handed a gun to defend yourself and then the police say, "you can't because, violence is bad." CEO upheld a system to kill people. That's the harsh truth, just add Chris Rock he called him a drug dealer
Something being illegal doesn’t make it unjust or uncalled for. You shouldn’t speed in a car, but there are lots of reasons it might be useful, such as saving a life by getting them to the hospital.
Killing one monster to wake psychopathic monsters up to reality is useful. Laws are not morality.
Yes, I agree. I believe there are just some people who don't deserve to live. Trump, Musk, etc., but we can't just go around shooting them. Of course that may change under Trump and we'll be able to kill at will.
I don’t care about him either. I do care about people being gunned down in the street. As a retired public school teacher I can tell you- active shooter drills were no joke. Over the years I’ve become extremely sensitive to ALL shootings. But, no, I can’t muster sympathy for this monster of a man.
I also don't give a shit about his family, including the kids.
Woohoo!!!!! More money from the poors and the dead!!!!
The whole world now has to pay for your self inflicted pain
Of the impending storm
Flood waters come rise
Cleanse the greed
Power to the people
It's also murder to deny care to the sick for profit
The system that gave him that choice is the big problem, some people will always choose to participate in evil - don’t feel bad for him, but a system that offers benefits for being evil is broken
Mass murder of grannies must be stopped.
I am not lionizing the kid who killed him. I don't know anyone who is.
However, I do see the media talking about 'people approving the murder.'
It's all bullshit.
The best take is that people *do not care* that the insurance asshole was murdered. Se la vie.
I'm so not with it. I need to stay in more.
Killing one monster to wake psychopathic monsters up to reality is useful. Laws are not morality.
I know of no reason the CEO’s treason should ever be forgot.