You give them an ultimatum to educate themselves and evolve, now, or be cut OFF. There’s no room for maga hate in our world. Hell, I don’t even make someone a close friend if I know they’re a Christian. I wouldn’t want to share the air of a magat these days.
I don’t. There is no response that they are open to receiving, and in fact, attempting to put truth and facts in front of them only makes them double down on the propaganda they’ve been brainwashed into believing. Responding is not helpful, it harms my mind and spirit, so I’ve cut them all off.
I no longer care about nor respond to anyone who ever, at any time, supported that demon. I can’t risk catching whatever brain disease they have; I want to leave this earth with my soul intact.
Fortunately my family and close friends share the same view we do. The rest I've done away with because my blood pressure was climbing to dangerous levels. Unfortunately, I live in the reddest area of the bluest state and struggle to keep my lips zipped when I'm out and about. Maga are mega-loud!
I'm in a situation I just have to accept. I speak about it if I need to share an issue affecting me, but we just avoid politics. What I won't do is let racial, gender slurs, etc., pass wo comment. I won't leave. I won't fight. I'll defend myself and others. They can leave if they'd like. Some have.
You should have heard my physical therapist and I talk about this today. There are people 1 can't have certain conversations with because they are too lost. I couldn't do most of my homework because of the MMR and TDAP booster, which is why the subject came up.
Agreed. Certain things are best not discussed. Even with aunts/uncles/cousins. Some are too far gone. For example: those who CAN medically be vaccinated for xyz but aren't. I will not lump those who can't be vaccinated because of an allergy to eggs, etc. into this.
Me too. I can't cut my father off or I'd be on the street or dead. I dont want to cut him off either. We just dont talk about it. He will try to hurt me with his statements. I'm beyond that. Not really new...
I live independently. But cannot live on my disability and part-time work. Don't tell, but people can't live off of current disability. I would literally be dead or on the street. So, I'm brave to even stand up for myself. This bitch is no pansy. Trust me. Do not tailgate me 🤣
At least 17 emails have been sent to my elected officials
I know we're supposed to engage with them. But I bang my head against a brick wall just so much!
You are not being paid for schizophrenia support services.