No, idiot, they paid into Social Security their entire lives when they had jobs so they could retire, and you lazy 🫏🕳️ taking kickbacks from robber barons never worked a day in your life. They earned their retirement. Vance is a scummy slimy little weasel.
He better 😌 I wasn’t there. I would’ve told him “ I’m not 💪🏽 now, but I did have my 1st job in 1978, when you were 6, up until MS ♿️ my ability to 💪🏽 in 2018 after building a career in 👩🏽⚕️. How dare him, while his 👩 was out there sucking on a🪈, most were out there working 😓 , going to 🏫 & their 👧🏽.
Fuck him. The abject failure of our governing institutions to protect or serve anyone but elites is propelling us toward rebellion. It’s time to turn our anger into action and show these assholes what accountability really looks like! 🔥💣💥🧨
no, that's the reason we paid 12.4% of our earnings each paycheck to Social Security (employees and employers each contributing 6.2%) so that when we retired and weren't working it would be paid back to us!!! 🙄🙄🙄🤬
I wonder if Trump regret his decision choosing JD for his running mate? Did Trump or someone else chose JD? JD is a simpleton grad from an Ivy League university. I will never forget he called VP Harris “trash” how would he like if someone called his wife “trash”? So damn low class.
Well JD, I worked like a dog my whole life in the medical field, and if a slimy, dangerous politician like you came around here, I'd be out protesting with signs as well.
Your facile, reductionist demagoguery just doesn't cut it, JD.
So by Vance logic, in addition to retired and/or disabled protestors, people working different shifts and/or days also do not have jobs? The self-employed with flexible schedules? Anyone who took a personal day? Students? Anyone clapping for Vance is an idiot.
Again underscoring what happens when you elevate a Twitter troll who was the most unpopular VP candidate in modern history — even less popular than Sarah Palin — to the position of Vice President
Yeah, I worked a job for many decades while you were still crapping your pants. And had a big chunk of my paycheck deducted to pay for my grandparents' generation's social security and Medicare. That’s how it works, doofus
Yeah,retired Americans have a job,they now have to protect the savings they paid into in every payroll check all of their lives because you have decided to attack & thief what they legitimately earned!Try & prove your assertion of fraud!
Alert: See you in Court where we will prove your said FRAUD👈
I take offense to that comment. What a jerk! Who works after retirement? We spend most of our day going to doctors & taking blood tests & needles, needles, needles. 🩸 💊 🩼 🩻
They don't have jobs you moron cause your boss Elon Musk fired or laid them all off. Or his other employee Trump devasted their companies investments in the stock market.
Can't the same be said about the people cheering at this political rally? I mean, they're listening to JD Vance talk instead working too. This is why they want to kill education, critical thinking is a threat to them.
What an idiot! Baby boomers, and older, had some of the strongest work ethics. We paid into social security, some had pensions. No, we retired to free up good jobs for younger citizens.
The last protest I attended included about seventy seniors who are all retired. JD Vance is a spineless robot whose only job is to please the narcissistic felon he takes orders from.
The absurdity being emitted from the 2nd coming of King Donald, bringer of chaos, corruption & misinformation, is really something. Along with Trump, his techo-nazis, Vance & Musk, are now flying their true colors.
None of which is good for humanity.
Is that his joke? Another bad Christian. Jesus wouldn't appreciate his statement. Only one more disgusting than JD, the 🛋️ F'er, is the stupid wife, laughing along with him. He hates brown people, too, Usha. That's why he belittles you in public.
Yes, asshole. I worked hard for over 40 years, served my city & county, paid into #SocialSecurity, and have earned every penny of the #retirement benefits #JDVance & #Trump plan to deprive me of.
The federal government demanding that Americans get jobs instead of receiving social security is not a valid response or a solution for the American people.
Hey, JD, the US has a 24/7 economy. Working 9-5 Monday through Friday has gone the way of the dodos. The protesters you scorn probably have jobs. They care so much about what Trump, Elon, and you are doing to this country, they took a day off or they took some of their time off too demonstrate.
Oh please..people said this about Melania too. Both of them knew the kind of men they were marrying. It's not like they were suddenly transformed from being wonderful human beings into the shits that they are. Melania got citizenship & wealth. Don't know what Usha got but guess it is worth it to her
Is he kidding us! The retired community should laugh him out of the room! Apparently he has no parents! Apparently he doesn't know he works for the citizens of the USA!
He’s attacking the protesters for not being at their jobs, but the people listening to his speech aren’t working either. 🤦🏼♀️ Well done everyone there.
What a fucking shithead. He's supposed to be college educated, yet the term "Hillbilly Dipshit" remains a vicious insult to Hillbilly dipshits everywhere.
America hates you and your wife. We know you'll oust her as soon as you can because that is what white stupid men do. But you are atrocious! I hope when this all comes down, you are the first to hang because you are a traitor to this country!
Is that his idea of a joke? The retired elderly are panicking about losing their Social Security and he’s cracking stupid, insensitive jokes? He’s a sadistic freak show.
This is what autocrats do though. They demean the cause, the protests, the dissidents. They did this in trump 1.0. Its such a stupid excuse too. I was at Costco yesterday at noon and it was packed. Would JP wonder if all those ppl have jobs too? Oh and fuck Usha smiling alongside her POS husband.
JD Vance is such an ugly human being. Inside and out. If elderly are forced to return to work, they'll need to steal drugs to take just to get through the day. JD's mom knows about stealing drugs
Considering his background of growing up in a world of a parent’s drug addiction, I’m sure he was a beneficiary of some type of public assistance. Hypocrite!
I’m sure all of the cancer researchers, aviation investigators, inspectors generals, and other professionals who have been fired from their federal jobs are excited to begin working in their new roles at a plastics factory.
This is the classic thing Republicans do not get. People using Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare etc are mostly UNABLE to work or have a disability. And JD Vance thinks he’s so holy and righteous yipping at elderly and disabled people to work low paying, grueling jobs.
Speaking of which, seen from this side of the Pond, maybe it's time to re-open school history manuals (unless they have already been retired from libraries) and look for what happened in France, A.D. 1789.
The 488M private owned weapons in US can finally be somehow useful.
bc, those people protesting maybe work outside of 9-5, or they have retired and have put in decades of work in their past. but, is he not aware that the country doesn’t just function on 9-5? that people do work all hours and maybe they are just so dedicated to a cause that they showed up for this?
Hmmmm could be the thousands of folks laid off by your administration or by private sector employers because our strong economy is being flushed down the toilet. Oh yeah, retired folks, gig workers, shift workers, disabled people… shall I go on. Are you really this dumb JD?
And that he’s a hateful, disrespectful bastard.
Yeah, Mr Maybelline, “Let Them Eat Cake!”
Your facile, reductionist demagoguery just doesn't cut it, JD.
Alert: See you in Court where we will prove your said FRAUD👈
Unlike you, JayDee, who thinks prostrating himself before Peter Thiel for campaign donations is work, WE ALL ACTUALLY HAD REAL JOBS
GFY, Nazi
relaxing & enjoying your "golden years" is for the robber baron class and gentry, not for the unwashed masses
Fucking moron.
Vance gives excrement a bad name.
None of which is good for humanity.
All thanks to the taxpayers he's disrespecting.
JD is an a-hole of the first order. To be sure, a callous and very dangerous a-hole!!
There's no way this guy can lead MAGA. Zero charisma.
The rest were probably people Musk has illegally fired.
“Vance booed for over 30 seconds at Kennedy Center after Trump board takeover
Beware of Thiel
He does not make much noise but is deep into Fascism & #Project2025
*except Peter Thiel the guy who bought & OWNS him
But they did not expect Musk to buy Trump for $300M
Fucking useless sacks of shit.
She's horrified by him. She's abused by him.
Still, she's complicit.
Doesn't he have a job?
Man without a name, you are a lame ass piece of dung
Fuck that clown.
This administration said "let them eat giant rats."
The 488M private owned weapons in US can finally be somehow useful.