I see this as the justification for internet monitoring on steroids. They used fear to push through the Patriot Act, we know THEY know all the exploitation exists, they are ‘in the club’. I just hope that transparency comes with it and ALL the tea is spilled on these predators.
One of the most difficult things that new technologies have issues with is regulation. Who has access, what can be done with it, how it's going to be used. In a society where freedom is a foundational element and people lack the responsibility to use it wisely building safety protocols takes time.
All very good replies. It's going to be very difficult to manage student access to AI without crippling their creativity. I'm not sure an age verification system is a good solution to something like this.
They're being held accountable for not taking action when they discovered it was happening. Basically- they're accountable for doing their jobs, and they emphatically did not do their jobs.
Not sure how we prevent this kind of tech from existing. We were amply warned however. We need better tech regulation and better models of masculinity for men. Schools need proactive digital bullying policies.
I don’t think you can put it back at this point. I mean Pandora learned all she needed to learn from our song choices, we have digitized human emotion into emoji’s. We got on social media and gave billions of digital responses that we sort into code. We digitized our sold our own extinction rights.
Most GAI platforms are run by companies, big or small, if their platforms allow for generating child porn then shut them down and arrest all involved. It's not a complicated fix.
Strong agree. I don't see any reason why anything in Section 230 should apply to AI content at all. It's not user-generated content, it's literally platform-generated content. If you generate it, you're liable for it. And there's precedent.
But "Most" is not "All" and there will always be open source GAI available to the people who want to pull this kind of crap. To that point, I think more positive examples of healthy masculinity is vitally important.
The code is open source but it requires hardware that most underage people don’t have access to.
Even a beefy gaming computer wouldn’t be able to run genAI without a lot of technical tinkering.
Even a beefy gaming computer wouldn’t be able to run genAI without a lot of technical tinkering.