Connie's crime: managing a program that vetted cases involving long-term marriages between citizens and noncitizens who have been in the country for at least 10 years and are in long-term marriages. They are big mad that this program is virtual.
I do not see any evidence that Connie came up with this policy or even decided that it would be online. She administers the program. As someone with an actual MPA degree this is terrifying because these are the types of long term non-political positions that make things run.
The MPA degree is just an MBA for governments and non-profits. I had classes in budgeting procedures, bond financing, human resources, leadership, efficiency, statistics, analysis, and outreach with the public. You know who did real bad in this major? Politics people.
Hard to ignore the hypocrisy of the Heritage Foundation in calling out "hidden agendas" of civil servants, when they are literally trying to fill government roles with right-wing lackeys.
Most of these groups are tax-exempt charities 😂or nonprofits 🤢 so we know who's behind the curtain. Not that I'd ever suggest stooping to their level but uh, you know, just sayin'.
I mean, I watched a federal prosecutor indict a woman for being rude to an IRS agent on the phone. But, our current DOJ seems pretty committed to "bipartisanship".
I expect no action unless someone actually dies and then we'll prosecute the "lone wolf".
do what you can to canvass and phonebank
But they don't go quite as far as he did, so this will be protected by the First Amendment.
I really feel like Captain America: The Winter Soldier was a goddamn warning.
I expect no action unless someone actually dies and then we'll prosecute the "lone wolf".
All of them, functionaries and donors alike.