This is actually much better than it used to be. My memory of ~2014 YIMBY twitter was
- Matt Yglesias
- An insane number of annoying people in SF arguing with a bunch of even more annoying SF leftists. was the best guy there
What are the odds that because Yarvin is broadcasting his method of despotism that a group of furry hacktivists don’t just reverse engineer the mesh and that’s the end of the CEO’s reign?
Like they could invent a robot security force that is loyal to them and they will 100% tell us that they are unhackable and within 48 hours of billionaires guarding themselves with these new bots they are hacked. Like the Cybertruck demonstration but in real life.
Someday, SV is gonna be remembered like the Free State of Fiume where everyone was doing drugs, shanking each other, and planning reactionary dystopias.
free state of fiume did less damage to italy than SV is doing to america. Also, d'annunzio was, objectively speaking, a sexy beast. all of these bros look like melted wax.
1. it will make my life better
2. many annoying people in SF will shut the hell up
- Matt Yglesias
- An insane number of annoying people in SF arguing with a bunch of even more annoying SF leftists. was the best guy there
and that was it.
(And actually for this particular cursed piece of knowledge, I happily didn’t know)
Carlin really was right about it being a big club lol
These empathy husks with their IRL troll toys are no different than mass shooters.