If you have a childhood that didn't suck, feel good about it. I don't get childhood nostalgia, though I do remember my horse with some affection, as he was my means for my ten or eleven year old self to get as far from civilization as possible.
I had the spongebob movie game as a kid and could never beat it, when I went back to it in my bill paying days I found out that I could never beat it because it was, in fact, pretty fucking hard
Also original paper mario ttyd still holds up as a game, bill paying be damned
The Ancient Greeks regarded nostalgia as a literal illness, best treated by eating a favorite childhood food or singing traditional folk songs from back home.
Nostalgia is when you've repressed all the bad parts of childhood and can only remember the good bits, so it seems like heaven in comparison to the now where you're currently experiencing all the bad bits of adulthood
it's called remembering so little of your childhood that it feels like you popped into existence at 23 lol.
I mean it's different for everyone, but I know I have to really work to remember the worst experiences I had as a kid & if that was every moment I had I prob wouldn't remember much at all
I dunno. I was 12/13 when I played through mario sunshine and have barely any nostalgia for it compared to mario 64 and even luigis Mansion. And I didn't pay a single bill til I was 18 😅
the way people drag on about new minecraft being bad is silly to me. old school modded minecraft's bees were just sprites that would float around blocks now we have the silly trans gener creatures
Fascism is remembering when you didn't have to pay bills, attributing that feeling to Mario, then deciding that it was the immigrants and queers who took mario away
if you think back clearly, it was the sharp 3D polygons specifically in the N64 era during my childhood that made all the 90's drug cartel crime palatable
Also original paper mario ttyd still holds up as a game, bill paying be damned
I mean it's different for everyone, but I know I have to really work to remember the worst experiences I had as a kid & if that was every moment I had I prob wouldn't remember much at all
Never liked mario.
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