chat pls help me think of names to add to my pile of names i might be
bonus points for names that start with z bc i accidentally made myself respond most to that hahah
bonus points for names that start with z bc i accidentally made myself respond most to that hahah
+reminds me of retro futurism
+uncommon letter combination is cool
+objectively one way to spell
-terrible signature shapes
-too masc
+sounds cool as hell
~also sounds like a name in a movie of some kind
-would always get spelled with an x
-not being with an x would bug me that it's wrong
Uhhhhh about that......
no wonder i was literally about to say it sounds like a dcom
i must have like half remembered this existing lmaooooo
+fun shapes
+many fun ways to spell
~not as fun a signature shape
-knew a zöe and some bad associations bc of it
-have to spell it out if i don't do zoey (the starbys problem basically)
so like,,,,the shape the signature makes, like if it feels good to sign
and starbys is starbucks
like,,,if you have a name with a few common spellings you always have to spell it out or it's never right (have that with current name haha)
+zelda name (i do like it)
+modern and clean feel
+good signature shapes
~just ok letter shapes
~rly don't like how zowa (like a child would say) sounds
-zelda name (it's the fish ppl)
many to consider here, interesting