I was glued to my seat throughout every episode. Reminded me of Starship Troopers with its biting satire, flamboyant gore and initially insouciant protagonist.
I'm in awe people not familiar with the games are enjoying it too. As I was watching I was thinking "I love this, but the people who aren't Fallout geeks won't be into it."
I think in part, for some of us “older” viewers who were at best peripherally aware of the game, the game milieu draws heavily on pop culture we *are* familiar with. Heck, I took an afterschool Civil Defense class in 3rd grade on how to calculate radiation exposure so I’d know how long I had left!
We were assumed to be sheltering, but learned how to read Geiger counters and dosimeters, and had a nifty calculation chart so we could tell when our skin would start sloughing off. Heady stuff for a 3rd grader.
I want to rewatch it already.
I can't even remember the game hardly and never finished it.
I was way way wrong. :)