Our old boy is currently dealing with a heart murmur and kidney failure - just from getting old. Special renal food and lots of water to keep him hydrated is all we can really do now.
Here, big cat, lost 3kg, feel the bones, go check vet, except from weight loss, all ok, blood test ok. Turn out mister had just become picky about his food and required a change in kibbles model. This cat litteraly went on a hunger strike.
You will notice vets always say "You" will give her a pill.
If pill is not too big, this kinda work. I mean if you first enslave the cat in blanket or towel, are ready to lose a hand and spend half the evening searching for that pill under the buffet and the night wondering 'did it swallow it?'.
We’ve had cats that this worked on and cats that could spit it right back out unless you also covered their nose afterwards and held their mouth shut so they had to swallow to try and breathe.
This not a good choice, it's like them saying "You need to brush his teeth". What sort of fairy tale kitty do you all have vets?
If pill is not too big, this kinda work. I mean if you first enslave the cat in blanket or towel, are ready to lose a hand and spend half the evening searching for that pill under the buffet and the night wondering 'did it swallow it?'.