Free App. Put in your info it pops up your representatives with their number and gives you a script. This issue is one of the 5 they have up.
If they cut Medicaid how many in those deep red poor states will be affected. But then they’ll just keep drinking the Kool-Aid and say, “Thank you Mr Trump, may I have another?”
The poor, disabled folks will be impacted but also the medical infrastructure as many of these folks have complex medical needs and require care. How will they pay their bills??
What is the impact on the whole medical system if bills are not paid??
It’s mind numbing that so many American peasants voted for trump who will lie, fire, extort, create absolute chaos for most of America as long as his 4 Trillion dollar tax cut for the wealthy goes unchecked. We can’t survive 4 years of this.
I called my rep and asked that she votes no, but always feels like such an exercise in futility. She NEVER listens, barely ever replies, and rarely holds open town halls. Pretty confident people in our area only vote for her because she has an R after her name.
Maybe his "supporters" are starting to figure out that Trump used them; nah, not yet; they'll figure it out when their car is repossed and the repo guy drank their beer in the refrigerator.
i call both senators & my congressman (all 3 r GOP) every damn nite when i know i'll b recorded on VM. tonite were prob my most heated messages about medicaid. i urged them to make public comments as to why they r supporting the #muskrat. then said all the GOP were cowards & have a nice day.
Are they that stupid?
What is the impact on the whole medical system if bills are not paid??
And take coverage from very poor families