I saw your Golden Bat video when it first came out on YouTube and have been following you everywhere since. Loved the quality you put into your reviews and understanding the subject around the time period it was out and rich history around it.
You can only watch one retro anime forever, which one?
If I could only watch one anime it'd probably be one piece, purely because it has the highest quality to content ratio. I could watch one episode of that every day until I was dead & not be done with it.
You were one of the first people to pop up in my recommended feed after I made my rounds following people I knew on here. Was pleasantly surprised to see you active here. (Huge long time fan btw)
AMA:Any video of yours that you think is underrated by your audience/that more of your subs should see?
The Creamy Mami video. Youtube actually TOLD me. Everyone subs off it, everyone watches to the end, nobody clicks it. The "What even IS Anime" was also a passion project of mine, but I know it's flawed on a fundamental level. Anime doesn't HAVE to be a drawing in my opinion. Wikipedia is wrong.
I followed you on Twitter originally after coming across your YouTube channel a few years back. When I jumped ship from Twitter, I followed as many accounts as I could find over here.
you've probably been asked this a hundred times so sorry if i ask, but how do you find all the anime you post? is it something that you just knew on hand and figured you would talk about it? or is there some methood to finding it?
Years of being chronically online. I'll see something, be reminded of it, come back later, write that down, come back later. Eventually enough stuff piles up where I talk about it. I need to be more proactive in 2025 & actually compile all this stuff.
I haven't talked about Gunsmith cats but that's a pretty common take. Read or die maybe? Favorite is such a loaded word. A-Girl is under rated. Most of what I gravitate towards is mood. Pieces of anime you can listen to. I'm very much a "let's throw things on loop" guy. Generally I watch everything.
Ah, that’s a fair point, I suppose. I hadn’t really considered that in terms of the sheer scope and “mood” of stuff, but given what you do, that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for weighing in!
Negative Positive Angler was my anime of 2024. I mean it's frieren, but it spoke to me as a fisherman who also watches anime. Caught up with the stuff the kids were watching too, but a lot of those shows just string you along. They'll still be adapting episodes of re:zero for decades. I hate that.
I get that.
My anime of 2024 was probably Mayonaka Punch, the anime about a media influencer getting together with some vampires to make a Youtube channel and reach a million subscribers.
It was fun even if I bet for some people it got too real for them.
1. How many distinct pieces of equipment are in your setup for digitizing old recordings? At least VCR, BetaMax & LaserDisc, I assume? What else is required besides, say a red-yellow-white to HDMI adapter? Is region-locking a major hurdle?
VCR+TBC-1000+ES10+Capture Card
After that is all capturing in virtualdub & post processing with a mountain of avisynth scripts on a per tape basis.
Above that is VHS decode which I can't even get into.
I think I just stumbled across one of your vids with one of the million titles you gave them and just got hooked on your style and subjects. You, Hazel, and Kyoto Video are my go too for videos about old anime
Youtube is brutal with titles & thumbs. I'm not proud about it, but I can't argue with the results. Some of the thumbnails I settled on are really funny, so I think I have a decent style going on. You can tell I sort of gave up on a few of them (The Sailor Suit Rebel Alliance Video).
I sub to your youtube channel, and someone just reposted something you said, so I just followed you from there.
As far as questions, are you excited about the Macross Do You Remember Love 4k release coming out next month? I have it preordered, but I am an anime DVD/bluray guy.
I've seen the previous BD release. If it's uncensored & they don't pull a george lucas on it then sure, but Macross always gets screwed over in some way. Cautiously optimistic.
AMA: do you ever think an anime was made too early? like it could have benefited from the adoption of widescreen, or the production trends of a future era?
how did i find you here: i think it was skybridge but i dont remember :D
I found this in one of your community posts and I was like no way he's watched this
And I ended up finding out there was even more parts and I subbed immediately
I give modern anime a chance, but often times I get bored 3-5 episodes in. 2024 I enjoyed Negative Positive Angler, Delicious in Dungeon, & Frieren. Good anime still exists, I've just grown out of Isekai shows about teenagers. They all blend together in my mind.
My Q sucks. Since the game Came out. The key to playing Q is getting taunts off on knockdown, & using his hard kick to space. If you land it on a blocking opponent it pushes them to the other corner which most people don't realize. Q dies if you get cornered.
Honestly, I found your account by chance one the feed but a longtime subscriber and fan sukeban Deka was my entry where I found the channel was "oops all bangers"
Saw your Laughing Salesman vid a while back on YouTube recommend, and recognized the face and the work as I was scrolling by, around thia week. Am curious if you have a watch order for the varius CaptainHarlock series. From Galaxy Express to Gun Frontier and all the others. Keep up the good work!
Someone I follow reposted your Ultraman picture. It ended up on my feed and I thought “Oh! I know this person from YouTube.”
Q: Have you ever wanted to make a video giving your thoughts on something very well-known, but then denied yourself after considering your reputation for niche media topics?
Youtube limits you to talking about old anime by design. I COULD do a video about a modern anime, but it's 1000X more likely to get striked down & deleted. I guess I could talk over screenshots or something, but that's not very dynamic. It's kinda boring. Go watch Negative Positive Angler.
Didn't find you here, I know you from Tube, so when I created my International Otakos list after coming to this social microblogging network I naturally remembered your name to search to add.
Sadly some arrobas are still didn't migrated here.
Unless you want to throw money at me or give me them for free, I'm not getting those tapes any time soon. They're collector's items & I'm not in any position to get the rest of them. I'm sure someone else will do a VHS decode of them eventually. It's Yu-Gi-Oh, it'll happen.
Figured you had no luck with the rest, out of curiosity, do you only proceed with making a video if you can obtain a physical copy that you can restore in some way?
I did but it's a hangup I need to get over. Nobody cares if you own anime at the end of the day. Oh sure it might look a little better, but it's not a big deal. It only bugs me if the only available version looks horrible. Then I'll do a full restoration & throw that on the internet archive.
I see, might be worth it to push through those feelings. Who knows, a video about something obscure could push people to look into restoring obscure anime, though I recall you saying you also fear that the remaining physical media gets scalped too, rock and a hard place situation
I found you donkey years ago through a YouTube recommendations.
Then the bsky account was though your twitter account.
You can only watch one retro anime forever, which one?
you were in the Anime & Manga EN feed
AMA:Any video of yours that you think is underrated by your audience/that more of your subs should see?
Do you like pro wrestling?
I found you on YouTube years ago, followed you on the other place for a while, and figured you were here when I moved over.
Have you watched any interesting anime recently?
My anime of 2024 was probably Mayonaka Punch, the anime about a media influencer getting together with some vampires to make a Youtube channel and reach a million subscribers.
It was fun even if I bet for some people it got too real for them.
After that is all capturing in virtualdub & post processing with a mountain of avisynth scripts on a per tape basis.
Above that is VHS decode which I can't even get into.
Made it a bit hard to find specific videos but I get it. Doesn’t change the quality being top notch 👍
2) happenstance
As far as questions, are you excited about the Macross Do You Remember Love 4k release coming out next month? I have it preordered, but I am an anime DVD/bluray guy.
how did i find you here: i think it was skybridge but i dont remember :D
And I ended up finding out there was even more parts and I subbed immediately
Q: Have you ever wanted to make a video giving your thoughts on something very well-known, but then denied yourself after considering your reputation for niche media topics?
Sadly some arrobas are still didn't migrated here.