This is something I was mulling over yesterday. The overreach of Musk and his DOGE tech bros boy band has lit a bit of a fire and I started to think it all felt a little deliberate. But then are they that clever?
Whatever their original intentions, they're definitely doing so much at once that people - inc agencies - are being overwhelmed. Any violent reaction, home or abroad, can be used as justification for using force...
Yep... That was the intention. Bombard / confuse...leave people overwhelmed so they don't know how to react or counter. Being able to pick one / two things and fight those and try to ignore the others is difficult to do.
These are guys who have gone to trade war with one of there oldest and closest allies for kicks and giggles
"Last time I saw them, they were both caddying for Musk on the 11th tee."