First definitive ‘Hades-like’ - cell shaded art style - use of emphasised British accents - Boon structure, and the standard Roguelite loop. Narrative appears to be defeating an evil queen in a ‘medievalpunk’ setting -
images of reliquaries, lances, and boss illustrations evocative of illuminated manuscripts sit alongside gears and neon spray paint. The enemies are not particularly distinguishable, all falling into ‘robot with a keyhole’ basically - the initial ones look like bells, later ones just guns on legs
of the 2 bosses encountered in the demo, the first is just a sword firing sphere, the second, the Chimera, is a more interesting design, being a female human figure covering her eyes, like a figurehead on a ship, mounted on an insectile robot - shades of Blasphemous here.
While the demo drops you in medias res, there is the opening glimmerings of a conflict between Clef, our protagonist, and one of the Queen’s guards, who tells the player that Clef used to be in the Queen’s guard, and that the Lance she carries comes from that period of her life.
They are going for a love-hate vibe like that between Zagreus and Thanatos I expect, but I appreciate how brazenly queer the game is so far. Other characters include the healing lady at the camp whose name I forgot.
She initially appears to be the bubbly cheerful counterpoint to our generically gloomy protagonist - but the use of working class regional English accents does suggest something interesting about class - the fact that Clef adopts a more affected register herself when speaking to her former comrade