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Content Editor @ Electronic Enlightenment - Game Studies Events @ Centre for Digital Scholarship, Bodleian Libraries - Researching Video Games and Historical Emotions - PhD on Reading in C18th Women's Letters @ Swansea - Editorial Board @ Multiplay
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starting a discworld book: hohoho what silly mischief does sir terry have in store for me this time :) finishing a discworld book: We Must Dig Up Margaret Thatcher And Kill Her Again

Having some fun plugging obscure theological terms into ChatGPT and sticking the suffix -punk on the end to see what it gives me - did y'all know that The Matrix is a classic text of Doscetismpunk or that Planescape: Torment reflects the ideologically shifting themes of Latitudinarianpunk?

Well if you ever wanted to hear a hip hop song sampling Stewart Lee reading Old English poetry - this is a thing I now learnt exists:

this ‘jurassic park’ story 😭

I'm sure someone has already done this, but: "Difficult, Difficult...Lemon Difficult"

Dragonlords deposed? Clans returned in harmony with the spirit of Tarkir? Desparked watermark seemingly gone? Simple legendary creatures designed for non-commander constructed? & now this? They did get my letters!

If you’re not trans and you believe believe yourself to be a progressive ally type of person I highly recommend you read up on a prison practice called “v-coding” because with any luck it will make you physically ill and shock you to the point of action

Oh yes, Homer’s famous “Tes Thdpssssps.” 👍🏻

Unfortunately, I opened this book at the public library. Her “adoptive father”????

A funny thing that happened is that my 7yo came home excited to tell me the plot of Robinson Crusoe.

Thoughts on #Reignbreaker Demo (nowhere else to put them):

Trying to teach my half-English half-Greek 2 y/o the Italian communist anthem 'Bella Ciao' - her reply: "Baba, want sing Bella Chai" - in its failure to understand Communism, intentional mispronounciation of foreign words, and valorisation of Tea, this is the most English thing I've ever heard.

Ever have a nice evening playing games or reading interesting books - only to be completely derailed by reflections on your own mortality, completely out of nowhere

Friendships get harder to build as you get older and busier - lock in good habits of communication while you can. Also getting your home insurance sorted doesn't make you an adult

[Walt Whitman tries to tell a joke] A priest, rabbi, and minister walk into a bar, sailor-men, merchant-men, walk into a bar, Workmen and Workwomen! into a bar, Blacksmiths with grimed and hairy chests, the carpenter dressing his plank, president and prostitute walk into a b

[any 18th-centry novelist tries to tell a joke] THE ALEHOUSE; or the SURPRIZING HISTORY of A TAVERN containing the CHARACTER of A Rabbi, A Prieſt, & A Miniſter WITH An Account of how, having left their Lantern at a Table found themſelves loſt in a Wood & were at laſt Deliver’d by a HIGHWAYMAN.

fuck fuck FUCK. AGH OK Can anybody help me find work, The one I was talking to fell through and I'm getting really scared now

Great schedule of speakers! My highlights: - screening of Kinoautomat w/ - playing Dragon Age: Origins and talking about narrative design (and hopefully history?) - rave up with Rez!

The next Bodleian Student Editions session will be held on the 27th February – it’s a great opportunity for students to contribute to the discovery of new research materials in the Bodleian’s manuscript collections. Find out more + sign up here:

Hi #Queer #DH #Academiasky community - I'm looking for UK-based DH projects focusing on LGBTQIA+ topics and discourses around Queering DH as a practice - I blithely assumed I was clued up in this field and then realised ALL my examples are US or Canada-centric! #DigitalHumanities

Disappointed to have to pass on the Oxford Literary Festival this year - but I can't in good conscience give money to an event platforming Helen Joyce and Julie Bindel.

Jane Eyre Jane Watir Jane Erthe Jane Fyre Long ago, the four Janes lived togethir yn harmonye... Until the Fyre Janes attackid.