I did not like the man or most of his policies. But I respected him. He represented a Republican mentality that you could disagree with on policy. Not disagree about basic decency and fairness for other human beings.
I typically did not agree with his political positions, but he seemed to be an honorable man. I think he was probably the kind of person I would have enjoyed debating with prior to 2016.
I have utmost respect for John McCain I didn’t agree with everything he did but he had more honor in his little finger than Trump has in his whole bloated body by the way I’m sure some of the classified documents he hoarded made their way to Putin
What HRC was saying, granted, not as sec. of state, but no less powerful...https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/mar/06/hillary-clinton-says-vladimir-putins-crimea-occupation-echoes-hitler
I really like Obama, but, as they say, he wasn't a war time consiglieri. He did understand how evil Putin and Russia were (are). Also, the mindset back then was much more positive. The Democrats didn't understand how extreme the country was (well, most didn't)
Also, he didn't have the experience to know to prosecute people who lied about starting the Iraq War. They should've been dragged through the mud to damage the Republican brand. Instead they were left strong and proud. He was just to inexperienced to be a hard-ass mean fighter.
Agreed, and the pressure from all sides must have been maddening. He was scrutinized and every decision dissected as they waited and hoped for him to fall. Talk about having enemies!
Yes! I would have disagreed with him on policies, didn’t vote for him of course, but would have been proud to have a hero like him as Pres. Of US. I would have respected him.
I didn’t often agree w his politics but I respected this man. Have to say the same of Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney. At least they have a moral compass. Props to GOP members who defy maga 🗽
That is a remarkable statement and much appreciated, this was a real patriot who served this country with dignity and courage❤️ a remarkable senator, dedicated to his citizens
There’s a reason why Bush and Obama are friends. They’re not pathological fascist liars constantly putting the other down. I had a great deal of respect for McCain putting that bigot racist member of the audience straight.
Following you, Mary, and I hope you'll follow back so I can better amplify your message.
Take care. Stay chill. 💙 (Or warm, as the case may be.)
My paper-&-glue collage: "burst over blue"
Donnie Dingbat doesn’t.