If wars could be solved overnight, they wouldn't happen in the first place, would they? This guy has no clue how anything works. Just shows you how much he's worked for the things he has.
Honestly, this is one campaign promise I'd be happy to see the orange felon break. The only way 'stop the war in 24 hours' could have kept was massive appeasement and capitulation to ruZia. Who knows - perhaps he might even be attracted to having the legacy of 'the president that destroyed ruZia'.
No appeasement of ruZia - ruZia gets returned to its internationally recognized borders by force. Sanctions lifted only in proportion to stolen children returned, POWs exchanged, war criminals sent to The Hague, financial reparations for Ukraine. Ukraine joins NATO.
First he says he can’t lower the price of eggs, now he can’t end the war in Ukraine, which he promised to do both. F*cking morons voted for this POS & he LIED to you, like he always does. He was never planning on doing either. The felon is already backtracking on promises before his term has begun!
This lying sack of shit repeatedly claimed that he would end the war in Ukraine in one day. All those video clips need to be played non-stop on January 21.
Not even in office yet and he’s broken half of his promises. All he has left is deportations, punishing women for being women, and being hateful to the LGBTQ community.
Too bad all the schmucks that voted for him to lower grocery prices and bring an end to the Ukraine-Russia war ate finding out he lied. And this is just the beginning!
Is this real? As much as I despise trump, we don’t have to make things up to crap on him. Every time he opens his mouth, he proves he’s an incompetent, lying sack of shit that should’ve never been President.
This is how maga respond when you show them trumps quote.. must be the orders from fox…
1.Trump isn’t president until Jan 20.
2.You have trump on the brain
3. Starts disgusting name calling
He has no credible plan to end the Ukraine war other than coerce Ukraine to give up all of its territories, which have been stolen and annexed by Putin, who by the way controls Donald Trump.
"No one understands how complicated this is." Or something like that... No one except anyone who ever dealt with other humans and knows humans are complicated and so is everything they touch.
Oh, & gee, he can’t get grocery prices down. I wonder when (& if) MAGA voters will realize they have been conned? When prices on everything skyrocket due to tariffs & no workers in agriculture, slaughterhouses, construction, etc.? When VA health benefits disappear? Medicaid? All govt services? Hmm?
MAGA, October 2024 “we have so many problems. Why hasn’t Kamala done anything to fix them???” (never mind she wasn’t president)
MAGA, February 2025 “Trump’s doing his best! This stuff is hard.”
Everything is harder, prices he can’t decrease, war he can’t end, people that believed him, may want to buy the swamp in Florida, how could they not know, we have been here before
Only his moronic cultists believed that shit.
Is that when Mussolini was in charge?
No, it is actually very simple.
Also worse…..
Vile, evil, selfish, power hungry cult leader & Putin Puppet
Biggest crybaby in political history
1.Trump isn’t president until Jan 20.
2.You have trump on the brain
3. Starts disgusting name calling
Magats will be heartbroken. 😏
MAGA, February 2025 “Trump’s doing his best! This stuff is hard.”