That’s not the red line. The real red line was either crossed 6 weeks ago, or will be when the US moves directly against the UK. I hope the UK offers asylum to the US based Ukrainians if this happens though
I wasn't thinking of red lines as such more of a reaction to the accumulative bullshit of the orange one.
In an ideal world it would have been revoked the following day after the ambush in the Oval Office. Initially thought hold it back in reserve for later.
The same evergreen story - during the vulgar village idiot's first reign I every day thought that the soap opera couldn't get more filthy. But it always could. No I try avoiding the shit show as much as I can...
He always makes it about him. Anyone who defies his authoritative bleating becomes persona non grata. No expense spared then to vindicate his perverted view of self.
Best course of action is to make it easier for US citizens to come here AS WELL AS Ukrainians who maybe didn't choose the UK first. The Ukrainians I know in my town and workplace are awesome people! Really kind, very hardworking and got themselves stuck into life here.
This man is beyond belief . It’s time for Europe UK Canada , Norway and all other democracies to join forces and stand up to Putin and his American puppet. Ukraine seems the best place to start .
Because he wants to run the US in the same way Putin does - sham elections, brutal oppression of minorities, political opponents and foreign land grabbing. You can see the last now with Greenland, Panama, Gaza and desires for Canada, all publicly stated
I do think that by legitimising Putin's land grab Trump seeks to justify his own. And there's a bit of willy-waving in there too - "I can steal more than you, Vlad"
Anyone still think the US will go back to normal in 4 years? It’s a very long way back from here for them now. The predictability, let alone the trust, that existed until 5Nov is never coming back. Cut them loose or they will drag us all down with them.
I don’t think anybody does. Best case scenario is they become like Turkey. A well-armed state who isn’t a direct threat but has different objectives to the rest of us. A new bloc will form in Europe so the next Trump won’t have any ‘cards’
How many mistakes can one man make in one sentence? Caroline isn’t a Labour MP you know. I’m beginning to wonder if you’ve mispelled your name now as well
One mistake, but you seem to be a very brave man. Is Jason your real name? Still her government isn’t it, as it’s the U.K. government and she is British. She was Green Party. Any further comments my friend?
It doesn't even affect "only" Ukrainians but 1.8 million people altogether. Guessing he wants to do this because it happened under Biden and Trump is the most pathetic man in the world. He's so insecure.
Ah, Ta. That went over my head. I am so used to (Russian?) TwiXter bots making silly 'whattabout' comments I assumed it was similar and was racist anti-immigration.
"Just when you think it can’t get any worse" - I've stopped thinking that. I'm just wondering what the USA is going to be like in 2 years' time. Or four years if he bans mid-term elections. Or forever, actually.
Watching from 3K5 miles away doesn't feel quite far enough.
It's the same playbook Putin has been using for a decade.
Push refugees to migrate and destabilise the countries of his foes.
But, EU countries and UK have responded to those desperate refugees fleeing wars and pushed to the shores of the Mediterranean as if they were each an incendiary device.
It seems to me D is in some way beheld to V, and looks to me now what's happening with UA is specifically and deliberately a set-up, for second invasion after short cease-fire. No NATO, no peacekeepers, RU keeps all territory, US sanctions lifted, all US aid to UA ends, and Z gone if possible.
Sadly Ms Lucas, I think it will get worse; much worse. Trump, and his hangers on, are psychopathic. The sooner decent Americans, and the rest of the world absorb this fact, the sooner we might bring this nightmare to an end.
One can only hope that all of the diabolical, callous and spiteful things that this deplorable individual is heaping upon Ukraine will come back to bite him - very hard and very soon.
In an ideal world it would have been revoked the following day after the ambush in the Oval Office. Initially thought hold it back in reserve for later.
Agree re offering asylum
How many mistakes can one man make in one sentence? Caroline isn’t a Labour MP you know. I’m beginning to wonder if you’ve mispelled your name now as well
Watching from 3K5 miles away doesn't feel quite far enough.
Push refugees to migrate and destabilise the countries of his foes.
But, EU countries and UK have responded to those desperate refugees fleeing wars and pushed to the shores of the Mediterranean as if they were each an incendiary device.