The Toronto Sun is not Canadian media.
It is owned by Chatham Asset Management LLC, a US company that also owns the National Inquirer.
It is no coincidence that they acquired all of Post Media Canada after Trudeau was elected and have been attacking core Canadian values since 2016.
The Sun is a right-wing rag. At this crucial and critical time in our nation's history, one can only view an editorial like this as treacherous propaganda. Traitors. Fifth Columnists.
So maybe Canada should consider limits on foreign ownership of news media? Maybe, just maybe, a nations interests & needs don't always align with international hedge funds that are happy to bleed nations dry & destroy quality of life in return for profit?
Putting Canadians' needs before billionaires should be the low bar for any government at any level in Canada. Enough of the "deregulate everything" kool-aid. It's poison.
So done with all the propaganda…a.k.a.LIES...being allowed to be distributed throughout out media outlets. Lies in newspapers, on podcasts, in political ads, etc.
In Canada we have freedom of speech, but laws against hate speech.
I think it’s time we have laws against propaganda/lies. FACTS matter.
Anything in broadcast media could be regulated by CRTC. Add it to the standards of rules and practices.
Could certainly create jobs for “fact checkers” for both print and broadcast media. 🤷♀️
Time to end foreign ownership of Canadian media. At the very least, time to end subsidies for it. Absolute trash that does not serve the best interests of Canadians.
You can smell the conservative fear. They know their little goose is cooked and that there's a decent chance we will get a Liberal majority because of how far their heads are stuck up trump/putin's ass.
Sent to my MP to ask if we can have a path forward regarding foreign ownership of media while tariff issues are being discussed. Time to tarrif any publication with American ownership.
Trump is the marionette & Putin is the puppet master. Stop creating drama america. Figure out why your Gov. is deflecting. What is he hiding. Once your economy collapses, and your people suffer. Surely a civil war will break out. We won't come to your aid because we are no longer allies. Game on.
If by some miracle the Liberals manage to eke out a win, I'm hoping that that one of the first orders of business is to disallow foreign ownership of the press. That is one of the most, of many things, Harper did to sell out Canada.
It’s unfortunate that newspaper boxes don’t really exist anymore because it’d be quite a sight to see Postmedia boxes turned into mini-bonfires in cities all across the country.
The Toronto Sun. Isn’t this the paper that used to have a girl inside a sunshine girl or something like that?I never bought one in my life, but my mom did when she was older and I told her mom don’t believe anything written in this paper. It’s a rag. It’s Canada‘s Enquirer.
It can fuck right off.
Stupid sexy Canada
It is owned by Chatham Asset Management LLC, a US company that also owns the National Inquirer.
It is no coincidence that they acquired all of Post Media Canada after Trudeau was elected and have been attacking core Canadian values since 2016.
This rag is owned by Postmedia Network, an American-owned Canadian-based media conglomerate, tied to right-wing politics.
This is not journalism, this is far-right propaganda from USA.
Yes: propaganda from right-wing Americans.
Can we repatriate Canadian media as a result of the trade war?
Harper supports Trump, PP, Ford, etc.
In Canada we have freedom of speech, but laws against hate speech.
I think it’s time we have laws against propaganda/lies. FACTS matter.
I wonder how that could work?
Could certainly create jobs for “fact checkers” for both print and broadcast media. 🤷♀️
We should be taking names.
for picking up 💩.
Nothing to read here
That's all I have.