We had a delivery snafu resulting in multiple extra burgers once. Scooby will never, ever forget that day.
It was the bestest day. When he smiles in his sleep, I’m pretty sure that’s what he’s dreaming about.
Recently I left a couple bites of a burger on my plate on the table. My dog guided my partner over to the table, looked pointedly at the remaining burger, and asked for it. It was no longer mine, obviously.
You never know! You might not want it suddenly, then when you go to throw it away, you see your dog. Just sitting there. Best not to waste food, right?
This made me laugh so hard, because its just so true... every single time I eat, from the before my first bite the dogs are sitting there like: “full yet?"
I actually did give my dog a burger today. It took him a few seconds to believe his eyes and nose. He approached slowly, swallowed it in a few bites and came to see if I was going to eat all of mine.
sometimes give mine a chew to eat so I can eat my food without 'the look' throughout it - she has been known to take the chew , stash it somewhere safe and come back to watch me eat.
I set my burger down on the coffee table thinking it was safe, and my boyfriend’s pitbull snatched it right up. Your dog is just waiting for you to slip up lol
My dog inspects after our dinner every night as my husband has a habit of dropping food on the floor. It’s nice to share with your fur babies but don’t while you’re eating.
next time you're picking up McD's, you *could* just get your dog their very own plain hamburger... I think there's even some sort of applet where people can buy their favorite content creators a coffee..surely it could be adapted to buy people's pets treats/snacks...
My cats have dispensed with optimism in favour of a more proactive approach. If I have something on my plate that they want, a ninja-fast paw swipe and legging it works for them!
I stupidly decided to have kfc the other day and was not 100% the chicken strips were cooked thoroughly so the dog got the two I didn’t eat.
He thought it was the best day ever. 😂
I feared I made a mistake this morning and a review of my dog camera proved it. I left my panera ciabatta roll on the kitchen counter and saw the wrapper remnants proving that my terror needed no permission.
Believe it or not mine knocked a burger out of my hand on four separate occasions through the years. Despite this, I’d still share with her when my wife wasn’t looking.
Mine eats veges for her dinner as long as some grated cheese on top, I sprinkle a bit of stock powder on top of that. The veges (and pasta that I eliminated) were vet recommended—dogs just do not need 100% protein. Kibble is too highly processed to be good for dogs.
I think dogs are the most optimistic creatures I know. Mine sits at a chair at the table as if we might give her a plate, too. 3 years, no plate, but still hopeful every meal.
May we all live in such happy expectation.
A moment spent hoping is time much better spent than a moment of despair. The moment will be spent either way & if the hope isn’t realized in that moment a new one comes along, right on time, to try again. Who knows?
😏Your dog did not pay me to say this .
Ever hopeful, yup. My staghound cross is not happy with me—she is on a bit of a diet—she lives to run so I want to make sure she can run as fast as far as she likes!
Taking her to the beach today—be some running—on the beach, the shallows and the dunes. Will take some movies to post here.
My cat had cancer and lost so much weight. I’d order him his own hamburgers sometimes just to get calories in him. I’d order no salt/seasoning. He loved it. I thought I had a picture but I can’t find it so now I’m sad.
Mine are more just need to grab your whole hand to be sure they never missed anything 😂 Although in fairness if you say gently before hand they are extremely delicate.
It was the bestest day. When he smiles in his sleep, I’m pretty sure that’s what he’s dreaming about.
So am I 🥴🥴🥴🤘
He thought it was the best day ever. 😂
C'mon, don't keep us in suspense
No sauce
No seasoning
No bread
A moment spent hoping is time much better spent than a moment of despair. The moment will be spent either way & if the hope isn’t realized in that moment a new one comes along, right on time, to try again. Who knows?
😏Your dog did not pay me to say this .
Taking her to the beach today—be some running—on the beach, the shallows and the dunes. Will take some movies to post here.