Remember when they got rid of a bunch of judges because they wanted to replace them with "bushies?" That got shut down real quick. Instead of the Heritage Foundation, they had Cheney.
If we only knew what kind of havoc Newt Gingrich was cooking up in the 90s, we may have been able to keep the parties willing to co-mingle and negotiate like, well.. negotiate like relatively civilized people.
I think fElon has aspirations to do more than run doge for tRump. fElon takes more power to himself every day. fElon and Putin also have phone calls. I wonder if they are plotting to replace tRump once he has totally destroyed the U.S. Putin would love to see a foreigner running the U.S.
They would have to change the constitution since MuskRat was born in South Africa. Then you have Vance and project2025. There is definitely collusion between MuskRat and Putin using DonOld as willing puppet.
By the time musk takes over and kicks Trump out there won’t be any constitution. There will not be any rule of law. That’s why we must stop them before it happens.
Just to point out that the European court of human rights once accepted a woman with IQ86 was retarded. Funny thing it was a case widely waved by the (pro-RU) conservatives as "Norwegians take our children" and the woman couldn't learn to change a diaper.
MTG is between an animal soul and a human soul in terms of her level of sentience (consciousness), so you're not too far off. They're called "Backfill people" and Trump is one of them.
Naigh naigh I say this is no time to horse around. It's a mare fact she is representing a stable government of horse shit of epic prepositions. Off your trot Marge strap on the feed bag and slip the reigns of justice whilst the people jockey around.
we all know she is vaccinated but she has to maintain her lie we need to try to infect her and the other far right members of congress so they can understand what harm they cause by promoting lies
“Now here are the contracts,you just put Trumps name at the top and sign at the bottom”
“ what does it say?”
“Alright I’ll read it to you.Can you hear?”
“ I haven’t heard anything yet”
“you say anything?”
“ well I haven’t said anything worth hearing“
“Well that’s why I didn’t hear anything”
And despite a lotta money, Elon has a LOOOOTTA weaknesses, don’t trip. It might even be that he plays himself out of the game, he’s so stretched thin—financially, mentally, and with all the drugs he’s carpet bombing his brain with, who knows.
I don't want to defend her even slightly. I just think that this behaviour is a bit ridiculous and unproductive. It's hardly a biting political take to say "I think this woman looks bad hehehe"
Oh fuck off with that 'goody two shoes' shit; that creature has made fun of lots of people's appearance as well as harmed minorities, save your self righteous drivel for the right wingers.
Well I guess this is cute by a half, but I'm a 57 yr old man and she doesn't look bad to me. Her looks aren't an issue and should be. She's devoid of empathy , morally deranged, and exerts not a small amount of influence in what's left of the federal gov.
There is the ugly.
I don't think that's an original thought. Seems like I've read it word for word somewhere. At any rate , I don't care what she looks like . I care about what and who she represents. To each their own.
I believe when a person is good and decent then their appearance isn't even noticed but when someone is a nasty, lying 8itch then people notice the outside too, not saying it's okay or not, but that seems to be the case.🤷
I completely agree with that. I know cheap shots are fun and she certainly deserves it. I think I'm just so focused on the gravity of what's happening , they seem like an irritating distraction. Not everyone believes that and I am trying to be good natured about it. We're all allies .
They think YOU shouldn’t get vaccinated or vaccinate YOUR kid… you are not in the club! The new kkk manipulates using FOX, Social Media and buying the news (fake news) buy useful idiots in power) like they did in the 30’s) to line their pockets. You’re not in the Billionaire Club or a useful idiot
Lol Groucho Marx is timeless and therefore, bringing in his sense of what he would say or mixing his humor with modern context shows you how iconic he was.
No libel or slander lawsuit was ever filed, so does that mean it was true and they just didn't want it said?
You be the judge of that.
Stole from child cancer charity
6 bankruptcies
A real role model gor he kids
Oh ya, and he perpetually shits in his own pants.
Cheated on every wife and mistresses
& his love of putin & hatred for eveyone else...odd i'd say
I can keep going.
Literally ...
“ what does it say?”
“Alright I’ll read it to you.Can you hear?”
“ I haven’t heard anything yet”
“you say anything?”
“ well I haven’t said anything worth hearing“
“Well that’s why I didn’t hear anything”
That's where she got her bleach job too.
"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read."
Pig Face.
Looks aren't important to me.
PS, the olfactory is no better.
I don't think we should comment on somebody's appearance even if they are bad people.
Foaming at the mouth is so unattractive.
There is the ugly.
Rfk jr. had a worm in his brain.