I can't fathom that we have reached the state of being so unwilling to tax stupidly rich people that 37 million kids will lose any affordable health care. Dickensian doesn't begin to cover it.
I learned that around 3 million military connected kids- largely children of veterans who have left the service are dependent on Medicaid. This breaks my heart both at the threat to their healthcare access and the fact that we clearly need to do more to help veterans make this transition
And the loss of funding for child healthcare would destabilize an already fragile economic situation for the healthcare system in the US whether it’s your primary care pediatrician or your regional children’s hospitals and subspecialty care.
You have “good insurance” through your job?
Well your pediatrician’s office could fold and the [oncologist, neonatologist, critical care, pediatric surgeon, pulmonologist, infectious diseases, nephrologist, etc] that your child needs may not be there anymore when half their payment base collapses.
Slash-happy budget cuts to Medicaid will have disastrous consequences for hospitals, clinics, ERs, physicians, PAs, nurses, allied health, and patients — it’s an economic ecosystem. The cost for care will increase. #Trump & the #GOP Congress is cutting #Medicaid to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy.
This is exactly the stuff that keeps me up at night. My youngest had open heart surgery at 6 months for a congenital defect and will need life-long follow-ups. We are "fine" but gutting the system absolutely will catch up to him sooner or later. New treatments and techniques delayed for years.
And Whitney was not wrong when she said children are our future. Even if the emotional side of all this does not move Congress to make it stop, you would think the pragmatic realities would matter to them. Why would anyone (*cough* other than Putin) want future generations to be weaker and sicker?
Money continues to be moved from incredibly important & cost effective primary care to flashy niche medications & medical devices. Money, & people, follow profits and in America prevention does not pay.
drug companies don’t make $$ off healthy people which is why, especially in America, they wine and dine doctors to encourage them to prescribe drugs rather than promote lifestyle changes
I guess I would say that we absolutely need to fund primary and preventive care. But also- there is a lot of high cost / complex care that (especially for kids) can change the arc of their lives
Protect Medicaid!
Healthcare is a human right!
Flip the House Blue ASAP!
Two upcoming special elections in FL-1 & FL-6 on April 1 can create deadlock with 50-50 party split in House. Third special election in NY-21 can Flip the House Blue!
Protect Medicaid!
Healthcare is a human right!
Flip the House Blue ASAP!
Two upcoming special elections in FL-1 & FL-6 on April 1 can create deadlock with 50-50 party split in House. Third special election in NY-21 can Flip the House Blue!
Well your pediatrician’s office could fold and the [oncologist, neonatologist, critical care, pediatric surgeon, pulmonologist, infectious diseases, nephrologist, etc] that your child needs may not be there anymore when half their payment base collapses.
drug companies don’t make $$ off healthy people which is why, especially in America, they wine and dine doctors to encourage them to prescribe drugs rather than promote lifestyle changes
Healthcare is a human right!
Flip the House Blue ASAP!
Two upcoming special elections in FL-1 & FL-6 on April 1 can create deadlock with 50-50 party split in House. Third special election in NY-21 can Flip the House Blue!
Healthcare is a human right!
Flip the House Blue ASAP!
Two upcoming special elections in FL-1 & FL-6 on April 1 can create deadlock with 50-50 party split in House. Third special election in NY-21 can Flip the House Blue!