On tomorrow's Pod Save America, an exclusive interview with Harris/Walz Campaign leadership, including Jen O'Malley-Dillon, Stephanie Cutter, Quentin Fulks, and David Plouffe
about what happened and where Democrats go from here.
about what happened and where Democrats go from here.
But they keep talking about what she had to do within those 107 days as if it was a standard campaign checklist (1: Define herself 2: Lay out economic agenda, etc).
The 2nd thing is that they spend a lot of time talking about that trans ad & how the messages they tried to counter it with didn’t test well & so they decided to stick to the economy. 3/?
All of this is of course easy for me to say, I’ve never run a presidential campaign, but it seems like if you’re running an unconventional race against a batshit opponent, tear up all the old rules. 5/5
Thank you for your comments about the challenges the team faced. These are all people who have won a lot of different kinds of elections.
The minute Plouffe came on board, he dulled Kamala’s shine. You could see it happening in real time.
This guy gets paid millions to lose & then tells us to double down on his losing formula? I don’t think so.
It’s past time for new blood.
To throw Harris under the bus when you are the longtime politically "smart" guy is just disgusting.
Their generation hasn't adapted...
It's as if these stakes don't exist. People are about to die. Lives are about to be ruined. But hey, don't worry, we'll get them next time team.
Not because that had anything to do with this election.
But just because it's the morally correct thing to do.
Ezra Klein would have done a great job on this.
Hell, Jon Lovett would have crushed it.
i understood every question's answer to be "Well, here's what we did, and actually we only lost by a little, and its really difficult".
Who copped to what?
There's plenty of blame to go around. Every one of us hold some responsibility. What we need now is a plan that's unified. I honestly don't think that people understood the assignment. We could start with that...
If you want to be sure that the political machine who lost this election has learned 0 lessons, this is the podcast for you.
This was a chance to push back, but instead it was a hugbox.
At all
After a wannabe fascist was elected the people in charge of the campaign to stop it sounded like a bad parody of what a conservative AI engine would think Dem strategists sound like
Election loss makes more sense now
Nothing in this interview will even make national headlines, it's like they had a setting of "Do Not Offend Anyone" set to 1000 or whatever
And if they are not hiding anything at all then-
For the first time I see now what the people during the campaign who said Kamala was talking a lot but saying nothing meant .... she was surrounded by these people
Oh my God. Who's going to save this party?
I'm panicking
2. Don't play into the other side's framing. If we can't rebut the phrase "California Commie" then what the fuck are we doing. The largest economy in the US is a communist state? Come on.
Dems will get nowhere if the main takeaway is “we did everything right, it was just impossible to win.” The defensiveness and lack of reflection happening in this interview is stunning.
The absence of pushback here (even “what’s one thing you should have done differently?”) was a bummer. These guys have real access to Dem leadership & need to use it, including when amongst friends.
Come hang out! We are nice!
For Dan: you kept asking for lessons learned, which is just a way of asking what they would do differently that lets them avoid answering that. Just ask them what they would differently. That’s a lot more interesting.
The Cheney question was not did she win voters over, but did she alienate some.
Big picture: Clearly Dems need a new framing. (cough*Bernie*cough)
This is the losing team. It should sound like that’s who you’re talking to.
It's nice to see the people show you exactly who they are and why they lost this election.
It's in Mexico. Only they do -actual- leftist populist economics and not committee means-tested BS
(And, don’t ask me about @JoeBiden He pulled us out of the ditch & then let US be kicked to the curb!)
tRumpublicans: U know what u elected🤮
At the same time. We need a more diverse and younger generation leading the party. Complete rebranding. Harris should've won. Heads need to change. ✌️
They are same part of the deep state that torpedoed Bernie Sanders' populist run!!
zero accountability!
I feel I need to become a dem strategist. It seems to have job security no matter how bad you screw up.
Total respect for these folks, and what they were able to achieve in such a short time. There’s a long, hard road ahead.
(I find David Plouffe’s voice both forthright and comforting.)
Oh man that was bad.