Hard to believe "Star Trek: The Next Generation" started in 1987, ran for 7 seasons, and had 25+ episodes per season. (178 episodes total.)
While many of today's streaming series barely manage 8 to 10 episodes per season & struggle to last more than 3 seasons. Seems rather pitiful in comparison.
While many of today's streaming series barely manage 8 to 10 episodes per season & struggle to last more than 3 seasons. Seems rather pitiful in comparison.
It makes sense that modern genre TV can't afford writers.
K-drama’s also start 30 minutes series in that range, for lunch time watching in stead of socialising.
I don’t like both.
while min wage in usa has not gone up and they all get tax breaks
i should take a game video and show you all kinds a genres too
when we all goto say retro video gaming is when they are going to get upset
OH and new NVIDIA grpahic cards cant play a lot a retro video games
dont use them or buy
I’m ok with the shorter story lines that have better overall stories.
That said, 10 is just weak. At least 12, throw us 12.
This isn't even mentioning the storytelling.
Discovery was way less than TNG.
Today streaming TV seems to think it needs to be movies. It doesn’t need to be movies.
With TNG it felt more strange they *weren't* bursting into song more often. Like no, go for it, it's fine!
I was also picturing a TNG episode where Q made the crew sing as part of a musical episode which would have made *perfect* sense, and now I'm sad this never actually happened!
If it's just filler,a good editor should cut it.
What I'm saying is, new, streaming shows are trending to be more like what mini series were.
They tell a single story, period.
They don't have the time for something like that.
They're basically two different types of show.
Streaming shows are just not the same. They are preplanned and have to tell their story and get it over with, for better or for worse.
Episodical TV shows may only have a vague sense of the greater story or are writing it as they go along, and that's if one exists at all.
Streaming stuff trends to be prewritten, so, more like a movie, they need editors to cut the fat.
Among the many times I've been wrong.😘😂
soundtrack, art direction. They’re film quality and cost millions and millions to produce 8 episodes than 50 network tv episodes.
Comparing nearly 40 years ago to today is moot
I’m completely happy that I don’t have to suffer through 25 ep of Cheers and Walker Texas Ranger because there was literally nothing else on esp when PBS was doing pledge drives or showing Lawrence Welk. I’m happy w 8 great ep
Consider that with these long pauses that you might not live long enough to see the rest of the episodes.
Sci-fi can get pricey. Consumers demand movie-quality production values nowadays.
Back when TNG was on the air they were content with the writing and acting.
These would have been rejected on Archive of Our Own for being too amateurishly written.
Sub Rosa happened because they had 24 episodes to fill and a week to do it in. A shorter series with longer production times means there's no excuse.
Quality > quantity in many streaming shows and that's okay.
We find ourselves more and more watching classic TV shows.
When TiVo first came out at the turn of the century, "traditional" TV watching changed forever.
Renting DVR tapes and such.
Good editing means the story isn't slow, so you need fewer episodes.
Star Trek in general was nothing more than a series of mortality tales.
You can do that endlessly.
...until Roddenberry died, anyways.